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Music. My saviour. My constant. My love.

I'm always around music. Music is literally in my genes. I guess being born to parents who are musically trained, gives me an edge over others. I can sing too. Quite decently, I'd say. Training, be it from my father or my music teacher, helps sometimes. Or maybe, this is because of society's need to see me strive in music just because my parents did too. Who knows?

But anyway, I love music. It has saved me countless number of times. It has given me countless memories too. Each song to me has a special meaning, a special memory attached to it. The first song I danced to, the song I sang on my first school trip, the song I'd listen to after every sad moment in life, the songs I sang for competitions, etc. Oh yes, I have a song for each heartbreak too.

I know I'm not the only one who has playlists designed for suitable moments. Night songs, shower playlist, playlist for trips, party hits, old melodies. Everything. I still remember the playlist I made of songs that I'd listen to while crying in the night. Those songs helped me move on from obstacles. I still have that playlist, and whenever I listen to them, I get the same feels. Amazing isn't it? I guess this is what is special about music. It's a time machine. It takes you to the exact moment you heard that song for the first time (or whatever memory you attached to it).

But do you know what my favourite playlist is? The songs that I associate with my first love. The songs he sent me when we were still in love. The songs, whose lyrics conveyed everything he wanted to tell me but couldn't. Be it those late night conversations or his cute annoying spams in the morning, he ensured that I had a song to listen to. It's not like I didn't know them before. But now, they have a whole new meaning to them. I don't think I can listen to ILYSB by Lany and not think of him. I can't help but play Fault in our stars by Ed Sheeran when we're talking in the night. You see? This is what happens when you fall too hard. I mean, I love Indie Pop only because he introduced so many artists of that genre to me. Each song he suggested, I added it to my Gems Playlist. Gems, because these songs are indeed gems. And also, because he's my gem.

Maybe, music saved me so that I could listen to more of it. Maybe one day, he won't be so far apart from me. Maybe one day, we'll sit in his balcony, with his arms around me, while we share earphones to listen to this same playlist. That day, music will truly save me. Till then, I'll repeat these songs, just like I do with every other song, and think about all the bittersweet memories we've shared.

After all, that's what playlists are for: to store memories.


{Do listen to the song above. It's a gem, and I'm sure you'll love it too. 😊}

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