Chapter 133: Returning to Tama

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It had been several days since our time at the oasis. We all still talked about it fondly and laughed our spirits were high as we finally reached the edge of the desert.

" Grass!!! Not moss or sand actual grass!" Sora said with wide open eyes.

I turned to watch Undine as I knew that this was the first time he had seen this level of green but much to my disappointment his face hadn't changed an inch.

The thrumb of the swaying flora pulsed throughout my ears like an old friend. The closer we got the louder it became. Tama felt like it was welcoming us back with open arms. The sand had become lighter and lighter until we had stepped foot on nothing but pure grass.

" Tama..." Nathan said quietly.

" Mm we are back," Heyu said with a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

I could only imagine what everyone was feeling right now. As much as it was good to be back once we found Ren we may very well separate. I looked around and noticed that everyone expect for Undine had come to a stop.

" What are you all waiting for?" Undine said puzzled.

" Nothing haha let's get going," Heyu said nervously.

" Mm let's" Nathan added as his chest puffed up.

He took in a deep breath before he took the first step.

Each of us followed behind.

From the looks of it, we were on the Tama Dredgelands boarder at least a few days walk from the nearest town.

We picked a direction with the most foot traffic and decided to head in that direction. Where there was a town there was a map! We had no idea how to go about finding an assassins organisation but the best place to start would obviously be the capital.

We didn't believe anyone would recognise us but just in case we all chose a new outfit from my inventory. Our breezy clothing swapped for heavy leather and chainmail finished off with cloaks that disguised our faces.

We had no idea what the political climate was or if we would be treated as enemies.

Four years was a long time for anyone.

Much must have changed.

I took one last look at the desert that was behind us and promised myself that I would take my father, Ren, grandfather and everyone else back with me to see mother. Tama had never been my home. The Tulk had taken us all in and living there was the happiest time of my new life so far.

I clenched my fist and marched forward.

After a while, we had decided to camp for the night. It was much like any other night camping. I honed my senses on the trees around me, my ability to listen to the forest had become a way to make sure we were not surprised during the night.

I looked up at the stars and twin moons and watched as a shooting star fell. Nathan had woken up and made a hot drink for me. It was his turn to take overnight watch.

" How are you feeling?" Nathan said as he said next to me.

" A little worried, a little scared a little excited," I said quietly.

" I understand that feeling.. I wonder how my family are" Nathan replied.

" Same," I said quietly.

As we looked up and stared Nathan naturally rested his head on my shoulder.

" Do you think we will continue to have happy moments together?" Nathan mumbled.

" Of course... If we don't then I will just have to make sure we do" I said after thinking for a moment.

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