Chapter 130: Wurm Queen

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Leaning back on Nathan I couldn't help but widen my eyes in horror at the scene. A massive wurm dove into the ground before making its way towards us. I glanced over to see Heyu and Loki looking like ants next to the massive queen.

Pushing myself off Nathan I rose back to my feet my hands shaking as I tried to keep conscious.

" All together now hang in there!" Nathan shouted.

I knew at this moment he was trying to convince himself as much as the rest of us but his voice was enough to help me to stead my breath.

Loki and Heyu were chasing behind it on a golem that Heyu had made. They both looked pretty beat up.

I couldn't help but notice Heyu was holding his arm defensively.

[ Think stupid! ]

As we stood the ground under us shook and became unstable. It had already been difficult to walk but now we had to worry about being swallowed by the sand.

I glanced over at Kibbles who seemed tired but unhurt then at the charred remains of the Wurms.

" That's it!" I said suddenly.

" You have an idea?" Sora said next to me panting.

" Mm you said they hunt by smell right? What if we confused it?" I said suddenly as I thought back to the pants in my inventory.



The Wurm was inching closer at a rapid rate.

" if you have an idea you better get on with it or we are dead!" Undine said dismissively.

I closed my eyes and focused on my inventory. There were several plants that could work I just needed to use them together to get the job finished.

Several garbage bags worth of plants fell to the ground with a small thud.

" These are trojan thistles. We need to crush them somehow. Undine you have any water magic left in you? They need to be soaked enough to spew smoke!" I said as placed the thistles on the ground.

" Leave the crushing to me" Sora said before he closed his eyes.

Wind magic surrounded him.He opened his eyes and they too were covered in wind essence. The form of a colourful bird formed behind him.

" Sora's avatar is a Rainbow Egret! " Nathan said shocked.

There wasn't enough time to stare as Sora opened his hands like wings and pushed them toward the pile of thistles. I had to dive out of the way as a miniature tornado of wind blades hurled towards the thistles crushing them into powder.

" Force the powder towards the wurm!" I shouted.

Sora didn't respond he simply moved his arms as if he was flying and directed the tornado to the wurm. Undine using the last of his water magic shot a few weak water balls towards the tornado soaking the powder he fainted when the last one left his hand.

" I know its hard Kibbles.. But the rest relies on you! Follow that powder and give it everything you have got!" I said as I pointed towards the wind whirl.

Kibbles looked at undine in Nathans arms then at me and nodded. He wobbled as he stood firm and growled before chasing the wind.

I ran over to Sora's side and helped brace him. I knew how much magic he was draining as I had just experienced it. Sweat was forming on his forehead.

[ This better work.. For all of our sakes ]

The Wurm came closer and closer to the wind and just before they were about to meet Kibbles produced a flame breath before wobbling of balance and falling to the side.

V4 I Was Reincarnated Into A Harem Game As A Villain, Please Stay Away I'm Gay!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें