Chapter 122: Combo (Part 3)

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"Sorry to interrupt!" Kibbles said as we walked into the forging area.

The forge that the Tulk used was made out of hardened clay. The whole area as you would expect was at least ten degrees hotter than the outside world. As soon as Kibbles and I walked inside we were assaulted by hot gusts of wind causing us to sweat.

We couldn't spot Heyu as soon as we walked in his was most likely at the last of 5 workstations. The first area was for creating the finishes on the weapons and other equipment. The second area was for shaving off and the excess materials. The third was for hitting the hot metal and forming it.

Finally, the forth and fifth areas were for people to melt and collect the metals. The metal collection area was where I thought Heyu would be since he hardly left the work shop. He had found a place he belonged here.

There was not enough workers when we had first arrived since the Tulk were going through a food shortage. Heyu had been a perfect fit due to his ability to create golems to man the equipment. He had told me once forging was something that he enjoyed doing because it was a precise art that allowed someone to seek perfection... whatever that meant.

We walked through the work shop listening to the rhythm of the workshop before making our way to the back. There we saw Heyu at a pile of various chunks of rocks tapping them with a small metal hammer.


Tink tink!

Kibbles and I looked at Heyu covered in dirt and sweat. Kibbles and I had taken a moment to smile and watch him work. If you had told us how muscly he would be today a few years ago I don't think I would have believed you. He had grown out to look a little like a bodybuilder and although pale from the lack of sunlight the forge had complimented him perfectly.

"Heyu?" Kibbles said after a few moments.

"Look Telen, how many times have I.. Oh!" Heyu said before he looked over.

"haha sorry did we disturb you?" I said with a laugh.

"No.. no you are welcome. It's just my apprentice..." Heyu said as he frowned.

Just then a young girl rushed in with soot covering her face. She must have been clumsy because as she walked in she fell over landing on Kibbles while some rocks fell down landing on his foot.

Kibbles seemed to hold in every swear word he had as his eyes formed slits.

"That.. did not tickle" he said as he bit his lip.

"Ahhh Mr Kibbles I AM REALLY SORRY!" Telen said as she walked around Kibbles grabbing the rocks.

"Telen what have I said about running around the forge?!" Heyu said angrily.

"Don't run around the forge..." She said with a sulk in her voice.

"I am sure Kibbles will be okay. It was an accident after all." I said trying to mediate.

Telen looked to be about ten or eleven years old. Top to bottom she was covered in sooty clothing.

Her wrists and hands covered in protective bandages. Her hair was done up in two massive buns atop her head. Her face was small and cute and was home to a small uv tattoo in the shape of a dagger under her eye.

Both Heyu and Kibbles calmed down after I smiled at them and clapped my hands together to break up the argument that was about to break out. Telen smiled at me gratefully as she handed a rock that she carried to Heyu.

" I foooound.. it.. um.." Telen said with a toothy grin.

Heyu inspected the rock with his hammer and a clean bell sound was heard.

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