Chapter 123: Picnic

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" Yu Yu, Kibbles welcome home," My mother said with a broad grin on her face. The scars had subsided substantially and all that had been left was pink skin that looked no more different than a birthmark over her pale white face.

She came up to both Kibbles and me giving us each a hug before making us some tea. She poured each of us a cup before she too poured herself some.

"Are you looking forward to your adult ceremony next month?" Mother said with a smile.

She seemed to pause for a moment. I couldn't only guess that she was reminiscing on our time together in the Dredge Lands.

" mm.. we should also be able to return to Tama soon" I added quietly.

"I hope, I hope your father is waiting for us." She said quietly.

"And Ren too" I added with a nod.

Kibbles, my mother and me all sat for a moment and stared into our glasses. The tea swayed gently as I swished it.

"My sons you stay safe okay. No matter what happens when we get back the both of you.." mother said before pausing.

"Mom you have nothing to worry about!" Kibbles said with a smile.

Mother grinned and held his hand while Kibble's smile broadened.

Since we had all been together for a long time and Kibbles had gained his human form mother had officially adopted Kibbles as a member of the family, Loki as well. She had realised that the two of them were a little different than the rest.

She had also taken a shining to Sora, Heyu and Nathan. Loki and Kibbles, however, were not from this world and had no ties here. Although no one had told her it seemed that she subconsciously realised something was different about the two.

I remember Kibbles holding on to her for dear life and smiling brilliantly when she invited him into the family. Loki had just stood there shocked. Although Loki hadn't said much I could tell that he was very protective of her.

Almost as much as I was.

Last year she had cut her hand while she was cooking and Loki had rushed to the house from the Sharman hut to heal her. What he hadn't told anyone was that at the time he was in the middle of treating someone with a broken leg. Kibbles, on the other hand, would escort her every time she left the village to pick mushrooms and other wild vegetables.

Between Loki and Kibble's, I knew that I had no need to worry about her safety, they are my family too after all.

In future, if I were to get a happy ending Loki and Kibbles would still most likely be here. In future being an Akiyo wouldn't be so bad for them.

" I have almost finished the adult ceremony robes," Mother said as she pointed to a loom in the corner of the house. Kibbles would be having his ceremony the day after mine while Loki would have one on the third day.

Heyu and Sora had already had theirs last year since they were a year older and Nathan would be sharing his with Loki.

The adulthood ceremony was a coming of age tradition for the Tulk. It involved climbing a rock formation just outside of town and placing a marker on a statue that held a spear near the top. The statue was several meters high and was created hundreds of years ago.

The statue was said to grant the young people who placed their mark protection as well as a grant each being a warriors heart and mind. The gist was that the steep climb would teach young people to work through hardship and try to face their fears.

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