twenty two

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"what the fuck? you were a part of a gang?!" a voice was heard from behind the bridge. the trio stared at each other before approaching the voice.

each of the three always had a pocket knife with them, and so they all had it out. holding the knife tightly, seungmin jumped over the side of the bridge and held the knife towards his neck.

"who the hell- hyunjin?" seungmin asked, loosing his grip on his knife. slowly backing away, seungmin's eyes filled with shock and guilt from hiding everything from him.

"is this the only thing you're hiding from me? or something else?" hyunjin said with disgust in his voice, with an additional hint of sadness.

"wait! no! i-" before seungmin could explain further, hyunjin ran past them, directly towards his own hideout and locking the door.

surrounded with the blood of his 'family', quiet sobs filled the oh so quiet and dark room.

"i-i thought i could trust him. he probably was nice to me just to get information." hyunjin whispered to himself, only making him sob even more.

[back with seungmin]

"jisung! stop calling it a fucking gang! i thought we went over this!" seungmin shouted at the older boy, not caring about honorifics or anything.

jisung only nervously laughed, fearing the angered seungmin. he's angered seungmin before since he wouldn't shut up and that didn't really end every well.

"j-just explain it to him!" jisung whispered, suggesting something. seungmin just fell to the floor and groaned.

"and how am i supposed to tell him hat we were a group of people helping others and just so happened to be called a 'gang'" seungmin said, "it sounds quite dumb if you ask me."

"i-" felix started, only to be interrupted by seungmin once again.

"not to mention, how am i supposed to explain my fighting skills huh? it's not everyday that you meet someone with fighting skills and just so happens to be in a 'gang' for helping people."

"that's the exact opposite from a gang dimwit." seungmin said, his voice dripping with venom.

"okay seungmin, calm down. i'll take care of it okay? just go and get some rest. i'm sure you're a little tired." felix said, finally being mature as possible.

"fine. i'll be out in three days." seungmin mumbled, stumbling as he walked straight towards his house.

passing the others, they only stared at him with a confused look. they saw hyunjin running earlier, which only made them worry even more. they watched seungmin almost trip on his way back to his house.

"changbin! i need you for a second!" felix shouted as he grabbed changbin's wrist and dragged him somewhere else. somewhere secluded for a separate talk.

"well? you got some explaining to do about those two."


"jisung?? jisung?!!" minho shouted. he was currently looking for the boy who was under the bridge, crying his worries away.

jisung was drowning in his guilt, afraid that he had ruined the two's relationship. at first, thinking of the small group as a 'gang' was just a lil joke, he didn't want any harm to come. yet there he was, blaming himself. 

"jisung! i can hear you, come out!" minho shouted. jisung only rolled out a little mat that he quickly grabbed, rolled it out and laid on it. 

as minho heard the thump of jisung's head hitting the floor, he hurried towards the sound. he turned the corner, to see jisung just laying there, tears running down his face. 

"jisung? what's wrong?" minho sat beside jisung,petting his hair. his back resting on the side of the bridge, minho carefully brought jisung up to his lap, letting both of them feel the warmth of their cuddles. 

"i ruined their relationship! seungmin will never forgive me... i should't have joked around like that." jisung whispered, making sure minho could hear him.

minho only scoffed, "it's okay sungie... it's fine to fight every once in awhile. remember? just like us at the beginning." minho remembered, "They'll get over it especially since hyunjiin doesn't hold grunges unless it's about life and death." 

"if you say so...but can we at leat help them?" jisung asked, "it would make me feel a lot better." minho only smiled at the boy in his arms.

"of course we can honeybun, they'll need it." 


i was gonna make them in an actually gang but i figured i should end this book soon :]

741 words 

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