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"it's tea time gays!!" chan shouted from what seemed to be the living room. seungmin opened slowly, waking up to hyunjin's face that was about an inch away. 

seungmin, being the panicked gay he was, stood up with a intense shock, running to chan to hide. hyunjin continued to just flop on the floor, not even noticing the disturbance in his sleep.

"woah chill. what happened?" chan asked when seungmin ran at him with full speed, hiding behind him as he clung onto the older's shoulders. 

"nothing.... it was nothing. just a little shock that's it." seungmin sighed, "i'll go wake everyone else up." 

and with that, seungmin was off on a hunt to wake everyone up. since he personally knew jisung and felix for awhile, he knew how to wake them up. he walked up to jisung and minho, who were cuddling, and jumped on them, knowing jisung woke up to physical pain. he watched as the couple looked at him with annoyance, both of them groaning due to the weight on their bodies. 

"its breakfast time you slowpokes." seungmin grinned evilly, slowly getting off the couple. when he noticed both of them trying to fall asleep once again, he pulled the blanket turning around immediately knowing about minho's sleeping habits. he heard them groan and laughed as he walked to his next victims room. 

seungmin opened the door leading into felix's and changbin's room, skipping past them completely and walking straight to the bathroom. he grabbed a cup and a paint brush (dont ask felix has weird stuff in his bathroom). he filled the cup with water, carefully walking over to the sleeping couple. he dipped the paintbrush into the water, gently flicking water at the second couple. he got some reactions, which was just small movements from changbin and felix. seungmin got impatient and ended up just pouring the entire cup on both of them. they woke up with a sudden gasp, both getting up from their beds with a shocked look on their faces.

"it's breakfast time gays!" seungmin shouted in felix's face, earning an annoyed glare from the latter. 

"could've woken us up nicer but go off i guess." felix wiped the water off his face and looked over at changbin who was still recovering from the shock.

"is he usually like this?" changbin asked, making seungmin let out a light laugh. both seungmin and felix nodded, making changbin groan. 

seungmin finally left the room moving to the living room, where for some reason, both seungmin and hyunjin had slept. 

"have fun waking him up. he's quite the heavy sleeper." chan commented when he noticed seungmin had walked up to hyunjin. 

seungmin sighed and tried kicking him. no signs of movement. seungmin then tried pushing him off the couch. little movement, but not too much. seungmin walked to the sink, getting a cup of water and slowly poured it onto hyunjin, watching as he didn't awake. instead he began licking the water on his face. 

"i give up." seungmin sat down at the dining table, making chan chuckle a little. he brought over the breakfast onto the table, making seungmin's mouth water. 

"told you, he's as hard as a rock." chan laughed. he started humming a song, probably out of habit, shocking seungmin a little. first of all, seungmin thought about how his voice seemed super soft, and second, he didn't know that song. and as someone who is very musically based, seungmin was shocked to hear an unfamiliar song. 

"you have a nice voice. also what song is that?" seungmin asked, grabbing a plate of food. chan just paused for a second before processing seungmin's question. 

"thanks! and uh..." chan said hesitantly, as if he was thinking of what to say. 

"chan likes making music for extra cash, and i help him. it's only natural for him to have a nice voice." changbin interrupted, walking into the living room with wet hair. 

before chan could confirm, he saw jisung pop up from nowhere, getting super close to chan's face. chan let out a little yelp since he wasn't expecting jisung to be there so suddenly. 

"you make music?" jisung asked, his eyes shining. chan calmed down a little, hesitantly nodding. 

"really? that's so cool! do you mind if you show me the roots? i dont even know why i'm asking, its not like i'd let you say no." jisung forcefully dragged chan into a small room, where jisung stored all of his music materials. 

while seungmin was still getting over the whole music situation, he felt arms wrap around his waist and a head rested on his shoulder. 

"excuse me?" seungmin shouted from shock before instinctively kicking the victim, who was hyunjin, right in his face.

hyunjin fell, making changbin die of laughter, "who knew seungmin could beat a gang leader!" everyone who was present laughed along with him, making hyunjin pout. 

"i let my guard down, but i'm not gonna let it happen again." hyunjin commented after the laughter died down. felix put his hand over seungmin's shoulders, with pride hinted in his expression.

"well, he gets it from me." felix said proudly. seungmin just judged the other and pushed him off. 

"whatever you wanna say. someone call the other two, they forgot that it's breakfast time." seungmin plated the food on everyone's plates as felix went to go grab the other two.

while the other's were busy chatting away about who knows what, hyunjin pulled seungmin aside. 


"you wanna go somewhere with me after this?"


I'm sorry for ranting butttttt my science teacher is out to kill me. He moved one out of two of my friends to the other side of the room and now she hates me. Let's see how long I'll survive.

Oh and yes, I did have a mental breakdown because of this.

Time finished - September 14 6:08 pm
edited: april 10th 

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