filler cause why not

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after this incident, hyunjin carried seungmin to his gang's base, laying him down on his bed. he made sure he was under a blanket, just in case his body couldn't handle the low temperature of the room. once seungmin showed signs of comfort, hyunjin left the room, getting greeted by the other members. 

"so...i see you brought someone over. who is it?" johnny, a member of the gang, wiggled his eyebrows as he looked down at the younger. 

"oh it's just a-a friend! totally not someone i like...heh...." hyunjin nervously commented, making johnny just laugh at how he reacted. 

"i was just asking! i didn't think you'd say that! since when did you ever have a crush?" johnny smiled, enjoying the teasing. 

hyunjin just shook his head in disbelief at the older and walked past him to see winwin, yuta and taeil all watching romance movies together. 

he sighed, watching his members immaturely arguing over the next movie, "don't do anything i wouldn't do. there's a baby in the household."

both yuta and taeil just looked at hyunjin with a questioning look, "huh? are you talking about the boy your brought back with you?"

hyunjin once again sighed, just staring at the older boys, "i guess. just dont mess with him cause although he was raised in the nicer area, he gave sojun a punch right in the face."

yuta and taeil just made an 'o' shape with their mouths and continued to watch their new movie that winwin slipped into the disk reader while they were interacting with hyunjin. 

taeyong peaked his head out from the hallway and smiled, "a rich boy? didn't think he's be your type. always thought you'd go for a badass."

"why do you assume i like boys??" hyunjin became flustered making taeyong laugh at his unique and cute expression.

"no one in this house is straight. no one." taeyong answered, fully stepping out into the living room. "i gave you the leader position because i knew you were gay. the other's were giving off mixed signals but i've gotten them figured out." 

"wait you chose me as leader just cause you though i was gay?"

"well also cause no one else wanted to do it. and plus, could you imagine johnny being the leader? he'd probably die because he slipped on a banana peal."

"you're right." 


Just some small stuff!!

Finished at September 25 7:14
edited - april 11, 2020
400 words

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