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to kind explain it a little better, the gangs call each other by their actual names whenever they aren't doing anything where they could be getting watched, such as unplanned business events or spur-of-the-moment plans. other than that, they call each other by their real names since they've known about each other for awhile. 


"uh jisung, i'm pretty sure minnie is spacing out." felix tapped on jisung's shoulder, pointing to the blank faced boy sitting in front of them. 

"urm... earth to seungmin?" jisung snapped in front of seungmin's empty eyes, making him realize everything around him. 

"hm? what's happening?" seungmin questioned, looking around to see any possible changed around him, but nothing had changed. 

"you looked like you were thinking about something really important." felix stared at the youngest and still not getting any response from him. 

"nah, i just had these weird thoughts about you two having boyfriends and not telling me." jisung, who was drinking some water, had spit it all out and started choking. 

"w-what makes you think that? there's no way we would ever, ever, keep that stuff away from you...heh...heheh." jisung became so nervous he became restating his words, acting necessary words and just had weird sentence structure. 

"well, now i know it is real." seungmin said, seemingly not disturbed, "so, who is it?" jisung entered a deep train of thought, trying to think of an excuse since he knew he wasn't getting out of this too easily. 

"w-what? don't you need to go home now? heh..." jisung nervously laughed, lightly pushing seungmin towards the direction of the door. 

"my mom won't mind. she actually told me i could stay as long as i want, i just didn't want to be next to you guys all day." seungmin just smirked at the shock jisung and felix. 

"gasp! how dare you!" felix said exclaimed with his non-existent long hair. 

"anyway since you're not explaining, let me just meet him!" seungmin complained, pouting at the two older boys. the two looked at each other and sighed. 

"fine, i'll calm him over." 


"boyfriend?" hyunjin questioned, wondering when, and how, minho had managed to get a boyfriend. 



"speak of the devil." minho answered the phone, smiling as he talked to the murmuring voice. "hm? your friend wants to meet me? but i know felix already? oh it isn't felix? there's another one?" 

hyunjin only heard murmurs, wanting to listen in to get actual answers before it had been announced, but he was unsuccessful. 

minho placed his phone on the table, putting it on speaker. minho's eyebrows raised as he asked, "what's his name again?"

"name? he'll just introduce himself when you get here, i'm too lazy to explain. i know you're doing something right now with the gang and stuff so you can bring them but don't make a mess or my parents will kill me when they get back."

"mhm, alright. i'll bring spear b, cb97 and hwang." 

"no clue what the heckie you just said, but alright! see yah."  


"well i guess we'll be visiting my bb jisung!" 

"don't even say that here eww!" 


Screw the hiatus, I'm breaking rules

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