Mini Story - Part 1

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Mini description: This story is going to be with 17; you're a human from America, but you just got a job as a Monster Island Ranger, you're 21 y/o, 17 is probably around 24 now. But anyways, I'm still not sure if I wanna write this in 1st person POV, or 2nd person POV, but I'm gonna start it out in 2nd, it may change back and forth from time to time, but anyways on with the story :)))

"I'm so excited to start my first day" you smile to yourself as you frolic around your room looking for something to wear. You stop and sit down, you start to think of worst case scenarios. "What if I mess up, what if I do something to embarrass myself" you were interrupted by your best friend, "come on y/n, we flew all the way out here from America for you to get this job, don't tell me you're choking now", "I know Sierra but-" she cut you off once again, "no 'buts' I'm going to drop you off and you're gonna knock em dead kid". You smile at her words and walk to the car.

Once you arrive at the Park, you were greeted by a not-so-friendly face. "H-hi" you smiled innocently. "Follow me" he said, completely ignoring you.  You nod and follow him. He showed you a few sanctuaries, and then you guys approach the bear sanctuary. "You see the bear cub right there" he said pointing a tiny bear, "she was just born a few weeks ago", you look at him and for the first time since you met him, you saw him slightly smile.

A few months had passed since you've been working with him. Things haven't gotten any better. The fact that you guys were co-workers and you didn't even know his name. "How come you haven't told me you're name?" You looked at him, waiting for an answer, "because, you don't need to know my name" he said duly without making eye contact.

You stopped what you were doing and looked him, "could you be anymore of an asshole", at this point you were pretty pissed, "if I have to work alongside you, the least you could do is at least act like your happy". You were proud of yourself for speaking your mind. He looked at you for a minute. "I told my friends about you, they're throwing you a welcoming party tonight, I wasn't gonna tell you but, I figured 'it's the least I could do'" he smirked a little and walked away.

Later that evening you were getting ready with Sierra. "Can you pleaseeee come with me" you begged your best friend, "I'd love to, but this your thing" she smiled and straightened the last strand of your hair. 17 had arrived after a while and knocked on your door, you opened and smiled at him. "Hey dude", he looked at you confused "dude?" He turned his head to the side like a bewildered doggo, "yea, dude, it's American slang, and since you won't tell me your name, I'll give you one" you laughed and got into his car.

The first you minutes of the ride were silent, but you had time to check out the scenery, but after a while 17 spoke. "I wanna warn friends, are not like anything you've ever seen before", you didn't know what he mean so you looked at him. "I'm sure they're not that bad" you laugh and look back out the window, "no I'm serious, and I don't want you to afraid of them". For once he actually sounded sincere, but you weren't buying it, "since when do you care about what scares me" you laughed and kept looking out the window. "I deserved that" he sighed

You guys soon arrived at a building that read "Capsule Corp". You stepped out of the car and followed 17 into the backyard. You saw big group of friendly faces. "Welcome sweetie" a blue haired woman smiled, "I'm Bulma she said pulling you into the hug.

~After a bunch of introductions later~

"We've prepared a bunch of American foods, to make you feel at home" Videl smiled, "we have burgers, hotdogs, French fries" she smiled widely. "Wow this is overwhelming" you started, "I made lasagna" you sat it down ok the table, but it was quickly snatched up by Goku. "Lasagna???hmmm I don't think I've ever heard of it, does it taste good, it sure does smell good, can I be the first to taste it" he jumped up and down, "you sure can Goku" you giggled under your breath.

After every one finished eating, everyone was chatting and having a good time. You were sitting next to 17 when you noticed a cat looking creature. "Umm what's that" you pointed to him but everyone just laughed, "we were wondering when you were gonna ask that" ChiChi said, "that's Beerus" Bulma added.

A few more hours of talking and laughter passed, you and finally figured out 17's name, and now it was time to go. "Come back soon y/n, maybe we can train together" Goku smiled, you nodded "hopefully Goku" you laughed and walked to the car with 17, who opened the door for you.

"Thanks for tonight...17" you smiled, he blushed, "can you not call me that, I hate my name" he growled quietly, "it's not a name it's a number" you teased, but you saw he was getting tense so you stopped. "What can I call you then" you asked looking at him, "I don't care just not '17'", he said as he sighed, "hmm, I'll call you, Brad" you laughed, "Brad, ew that's such a weird name" 17 laughed, "you said anything" you laughed.

It was a miracle but you somehow got "brad" to talk to you. Apparently all he needed was a little push to open up. You've learned so much about him in the little time you guys talked. And we'll make idk I'm done with this chapter

Lol I was supposed to publish this chapter like 2 days ago but that's ok, at least I updated, but I haven't even started the chapter on my actual story, I guess you could say I have a bad case of writers block, hehehe, anyways
Goodnight :))

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