Part 4

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Ok before I start, I just wanna update schedule has been like absolutely insane, but in a good way, like I've updated almost everyday this week (almost) but I just took my last exam yesterday and well I can say I'm so proud of myself, anyways I'm officially on Christmas break sooo I may update the story a lot more <3
Vegeta looked at you, his eyes filled with anger. "How dare you insult the saiyan race like that, we as saiyans would never claim someone as evil as you are" he said, even more infuriated than before, "I'm sorry, Vegeta it is correct, but if I may, I distinctly remember, you being quite the evil Saiyan yourself".

"How could she possibly have known that, can she travel through time, h-how is this possible" Vegeta thought to himself in awe. You see Goku look over at you, seeing most of his friends and family on the ground. He clenched his fist, you smirked and say cross-cross apple sauce in the air (lols if that made sense)

He charged at you holding his fist out, but right before he reached you, Black teleported between you two, kicking him in the gut. "Now, just what were you planning on doing that for?" Black said with a smirk, "you're strong of the strongest opponents I've ever faced, but I must ask". He stopped for a minute and looked at you, "can I fight her"

Black looked at you, he looked amused, "well I must say, I'd like to see this match up as well" Black said walking over to you. "Remember what I taught you, you're just as strong as him" Black said whispering in your ear, giving you the confidence to accept the other Goku's challenge. You walk past Goku, motioning for him to follow you in the battling area.

Goku giggled, scratching the back of his head. "Don't do anything you'll regret" Black started, "because if I have to, I will intervene,

"And I will kill you, and your friends" Black said quietly so only him and Goku could hear, "you got it, other me" Goku said, teleporting to where you were. Goku got ready, getting into his fighting position, you were just standing still, you're posture as straight as a line, with one hand behind your back.

"Are you ready" you asked, "ready as I'll ever be" Goku said throwing a punch at your face, sending you flying back. "Wow this should be easy" Goku thought to himself smirking a little, until you teleported behind him striking him in the neck. You sent him crashing into the ground, leaving a crater in the ground. "You're pretty strong" he started, "but I'm barely giving it my all". He powered up going into SSJ 3

You were surprised when you saw his long blonde hair, you looked in awe, but then you smiled innocently, " many transformations do you have" you asked, "well this is only the beginning, he said powering up to SSJ God, "and then..." he powered up to SSJ Blue, "and finally" he smirked going into ultra instinct.

"What is Kakarot doing" you heard Vegeta say, "sh-she tricked him into going all out so he'll get tired faster" Trunks said. Black looked at them with an evil glare. "GOKU DON'T-" Trunks was stopped by a hand smacking him into the ground, "don't interfere, child. And besides our intentions are not to hurt anyone..yet, so you can calm down".

After the fight Goku looked exhausted and famished, but then again he always looked famished. "Well I enjoyed our little fight, we must do this again sometime" you said winking and going back over to Black. "Well it's been fun, but we must be on our way" Black said, he spoke for a little while longer but you couldn't even hear him, your eyes were locked with 17's

"It doesn't matter how many of our people you kill, we can just wish them back with the dragon balls" Trunks said, "dragon balls, what are those" you asked intrigued, "I'm not telling you..he said realizing what he just said", "can you tell me where to find them" you asked impatiently now. He frowned realizing he said too much. "You don't deserve to have any wish, you're a monster who'll probably wish doom upon our nation" he replied, "oooh any wish I want, wow, Black can we find them, pleaseeee" you fluttered your eyes and smiled innocently at him.

"I suppose" he said blushing slightly, "it's probably the only good thing this planet has to offer".
I lowkey struggled with this chapter which is why it took me a while to update it, BUT ILL SAY ONE MORE TIME, my story isn't going to be exactly like the show, considering that's a lot more detail I'd have to add, but that's besides the point, thanks for the support on this story <333

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