Chapter 6 (Unedited)

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Floating......soft...warm...this is pleasant..

"## #### ###!" that noise? Ugh..quiet down I just want to keep on sleeping....I don't want to wake up and go back to all of...what was it again? I can't remember...

I am unable to drift back into rest, a cold air hitting my skin as I feel my throat burn. It was as if I had been drinking water and it had gone down the wrong way. I cough, feeling wetness drip down from my chin as I feel myself hit something hard. 

My eyes feel glued shut, while their is a sweet honey like taste coating my tongue. My body is heavy, I stretch my hand out and feel the hard ground beneath me. What sounded like muffled voices filled my ears, I tilted my head towards where it was louder, trying to make sense of the noise. 

I can feel something press against my forearms, rough and urgent as it moved to mold against my skin tightly before pulling upward. 

I still can't open my eyes. Everything feels hazy as if I were still asleep. A breeze goes by and I shiver, I now realize my skin and clothes feel wet. 

I feel the soles of my feet press against the ground, my bodies weight to much for the still asleep limbs. I would have collapsed if it were not for the thing still gripping onto my forearms, lightly shaking me back and forth.

Noise. I can't make any sense of it, a ringing sound entering my right ear. I shake my head, as if I could make the sound go away by shaking the side of my head towards the earth. 

I let out a sound of complaint as I am suddenly lifted off the ground, another thing cupped on either side of my waist bringing me up and setting me down on something warm. As whatever it was leaves, I quickly reach out to grasp anything to keep from falling, I feel something soft under my fingertips.

I grip hard and can hear what resembled a shout, the ringing subsiding as I begin to make better sense of the noise. I shake, confused and afraid. I use the soft thing as support, but soon find something grip my wrists and yank my hands away from my support. I wine, my heart beginning to pick up in speed as I wait to meet the ground once again. 

Instead of the ground I find my arms now wrapped around something warm after some guidance from what had grabbed my wrists. My legs are also held up by a secure grip on my thighs, which are wrapped around what I am laying against.

Wait! This position is ...  piggy back? 

I try to open my eyes once again, but it is to difficult. I can feel myself beginning to drift back into sleep, my mind being roughly pulled back into a forced slumber. 

I try not to, as it seemed like that would not be a good thing. I try to focus on the noise better as I felt movement, the sound of a rushing heart beat filling my ear where I had it pressed against what I now knew was most likely someone back. 

"We need to hurry before they come back and realizes she is gone, and that we are still here!" The voice is distant, but I can still manage to make out the words. 

"I know! I know!" Both voices sounded panicked,  words rushed and spoken as if one were trying to scream while whispering. 

"How troublesome, she is weaker then a child to their influence! Because of that we couldn't leave and get better prepared. If she were to stay here long enough, she would have been manipulated with ease, by then bound to the land and to late to save" The voice sounded somewhat frustrated, I was to tired to become sad I was being such a burden. Even though I still am not sure who these people are or where we were going.

"No point in thinking on this now, let's just focus on getting out of here!"

"Your right! Sorry, I am just confused how someone with a fox servant by her side is unable to even mentally stand her ground. Athe didn't even direct his magic at her, yet within seconds she had fallen and looked as if she were just stabbed in the chest!" The voices were beginning to fade away again as I found myself falling into sleep. I am left thinking about what they were talking about, knowing when I woke up again I would probably pick at myself for being so weak and unable to do anything. 

This Other World is Far to Much for Me!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant