Chapter 2 (Unedited)

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I follow her gaze to the glowing golden tree, not understanding what was happening at all. They all seemed to recognize me here, but I don't recall them anywhere in my memory. A place like this....I would have to remember if I was here before, right?

"You seem rather shaken, may you not remember me? You have nothing to worry about here, while on my lands no one shall harm you in anyway" Her voice was sweet, and that scent was growing thicker. 

Her gaze was soft as she looked at me, leaning over to offer a slender fingered hand to help me up off the grassy ground. I glance to the offered hand, long nails painted the color of the sun. I glance back up to her, whom seemed to glow as she stood there with a soft smile.

Before I know it, my hand is in hers and I am back up on my feet in a flash. I give a glance to where I once was before over at her, letting go over her hand while muttering a shy 'thank you'. My now free hands find each other and I begin fiddling with my fingers as I looked to my feet, head slightly bent down. 

The warmth of this person was comforting, but it slowly chipped away as I struggled with what I wanted to say. I have no idea where I am, who this is and why I am known or being confused as someone else. Annoyingly, I have to try and ask questions if I ever hope of getting any answers.

I suck in a deep breath, and look back up to her. Heart thumping quickly as I focus on speaking. 

"I...I am sorry but, who are you? Where...where is this?" I make my ignorance clear, managing to get the words out while taking a small step back after realizing how close she was to me. It was suffocating, especially with that strong sweet scent coming off of her, it made my mind feel muddled and more difficult for me to make words form. 

She didn't seem surprised, just gently smiled to me. I focus on her eyes, the feature which I tend to look the most when talking to people. A...kind of glint in them which made me feel slightly uncomfortable. The kind of look reminding me of those I saw at the parties who approached others with ulterior motives. The smiles and attention only for what they wished to gain.

I wouldn't say I am the best at reading people, but after years of sitting quietly at the side and spending time observing others, I got a sort of feel for these kind of things. I could be wrong but, I felt this person was more then the 'gentle goddess' air they gave off. 

"My you truly do forget? No matter, what is most important is your return here." She had begun to slowly walk around me, pausing to gently lift up my chin and stare down into my eyes. I sucked in a breath, a sick kind of feeling in my stomach as my nerves rose at the close contact. 

The sweet scent, I can't move away. I feel frozen here. 

''Well my dear, I am Athe Glucha, and you are on my lands, the land of the fairies, Glucha. Blessed by the great beings, Gluttony and Chasity." She releases my chin and takes a few steps away, turning her back to me.

Fairies? They..well with the wings it kind of made sense. Fairies..are real? I must look rather surprised, but I do wish to know more. She seems to know to continue on the matter I wondered on most..

"You were here once before, I think it was..ten years ago? Humans sure do grow up quickly in such a short time, quickly." I can..feel something hidden in her tone, I feel like she has no favor for humans yet to harbor concern of the lifespan, why? How long do fairies live anyway? Their is to much I do not know. I..want to know.

"Quite the outgoing child, very brave as well..hard to keep track of..." Her voice grows quiet and I can't quite hear the last part.

She turns to face the tree and walks over, placing her hand gently on its thick trunk. She then glances to me, motioning me over. I take a moment to think before heading over. My curiosity drove me.

This Other World is Far to Much for Me!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon