Chapter 3 (Unedited)

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The sun was shining brightly, lighting up the forest in its warm light. Bellow the trees their was a young little girl, crouched by a daisy admiring it. She reached a hand out to pick the flower, tempted to take the colorful plant home with her. She recalled something she heard once from her home tutor and decided against it.

"If I pick you, no one else will be able to see you. I can't be selfish and keep you to myself! You would just wilt sadly then, wouldn't you?" The girl spoke cheerfully to the flower, dark green eyes shining brightly.

The girl was small, her curly maple locks gathered in a large braid while two strands of hair were let loose in the front of her face framing it.  Her eyes were large, a button nose, rosy cheeks, and small lips. She wore a light green summer dress with a pair of shorts underneath, which made it easier to climb and not worry of the breeze. 

She stood up, giving a smile and wave of goodbye to the flower. That's when she heard the pained sound of what sounded like a cat coming from somewhere close by. The girl quickly looked in the direction, heart thumping quickly as worry began to seep into her. Those were not good sounds, pained.

Without a second thought she ran as fast as he little feet could take her in the direction of the crying animal. It wasn't long till she came to see a white fluffy baby fox with seven long puffy tails. It struggled to pull its paw out of the trap, only to whimper as it only clutched down harder.

"You poor thing! Stupid traps" The little girl rushed over, glaring at the sharp toothed trap set by hunters. She recalled seeing big men enter here the other day, how horrible they would set something like this up. Especially when this was her family's land and this was not allowed. 

She reached out to comfort the animal, which when noticing her growled and attempted to back away only to whimper as pain shot through its paw. 

"'s okay. I want to help you" Her voice was sweet and soft, wanting to calm the animal. It seemed to work a bit, as the fox seemed to relax slightly, sniffing her arm as she reached over to touch the trap.

She recalled seeing in a book how to open one of these traps, so while being careful, she undid the trap and quickly picked up the fox before it could snap close again, as with her strength she couldn't open it enough for it to stay open.

She held the fox close, breathing heavily as she stared at the trap with the red stain on its teeth. She then looked to the fox, who luckily kept still in her arms and made no move to bite her or scratch her. Which is what she thought may happen due to how frightened this fox must be.

It looked to her curiously with its big eyes, ears pressed down on its head as it moved its snout to lick at its injured paw whimpering.

"Your hurt!" Recalling that its paw had been crushed she gently placed the fox down a moment before looking around. She found a plant known for its absorption properties, then took the long ribbon off of her dress which decorated it.

While gently holding the fox's paw, she placed the thin grass like plant around the wound before covering it over with her red ribbon. She then gently tied it in a bow, kissing the paw. 

"Bye bye boo boo, pain go away!" She repeated what her mother once said when she scraped her knee. Hoping it made the fox's pain go away. Once finished before picking the baby fox up. 

"Come on, I will help you find your mother" Seeing as it was hurt, she didn't want to leave it here to find its way home alone. The baby fox seemed more relaxed with her now, looking over in a direction then up at her.

"That way?" She would then follow where the fox looked, soon coming to a large rock with a crack in it. She looked confused at the small hole, wondering if it was the baby fox's den. Although, was their always such a rock here?

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