Chapter 4 (Unedited)

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"Um.." I am at a loss at what to say, words getting caught in my throat as the fairies began talking about how beautiful I look as they braid the white pedaled flowers into my hair. The air is thick in the scent of flowers, but barely there compared to the sweet scent by the tree and the room I stayed in.

The three fairies with children appearances have a very light air about them. The sound of laughter and their gleeful chatter filling my ears. My face feeling hot as I am overwhelmed by the complements spilling from their mouths now and then.

"Your hair is so soft! I wish their was more to touch..." The one right behind me sighs as she proceeded to grab another strand of hair, I could feel the gentle tug as she braided in another flower. I am not sure how they were managing to get so many small flowers into my hair with only a few movements of their hands.

Another girl fairy flew on my right, taking a strand herself well nodding in agreement.

"You should really grow it out! I would love to be able to get more flower in here.." Another flower gets placed as I continue sitting cross legged on the large flower.

My neck began to hurt along with my lower back, probably due to how tense I am. I try relaxing but find it was impossible as it was a bit hard to relax, even if I find the attention..a bit enjoyable. The feeling of my hair being done was quite nice, nicer compared to the rough brushing of my mom at home when I was younger. Always pulling tight whenever she put my hair up.

Suddenly the boy on my left eyes lit up, letting go of my hair as he flew off somewhere. He quickly returned, carrying some small fruits which looked like strawberries, except they were a neon pink color.

"Here! These are really sweet, you always seemed to enjoy the sweeter fruit more then the bitter ones when you were here last." He stands in front of me, wings gently flapping as he presents the small basket of pink fruit to me.

One of the girl fairies reaches over and grabs herself one of the fruits, popping it in her mouth with a childish grin. Giggling to herself before going back to my hair.

After seeing her eat the berry, I decide to try it myself. Plus, I would rather try it then continue being stared at by the boy who once again shoves the basket towards me.

"I...alright" I reach out, taking one of the fruits. I bring it close to my face, examining it. It really did look just like a strawberry, besides the color.

I bring it to my mouth and take a small bite, a extremely sweet taste coats my tongue and my eyes widen. It..really was sweet, it tastes like strawberry cake! With no hesitance I pop the fruit in my mouth, following with a few more.

I ended up eating all of them in the basket, and a sad feeling sinks into the bottom of my stomach as I frown at the now empty basket. Only after I register my disappointment did I realize I just ate all the fruit in the basket without consideration of the others wanting some.

I look down to my lap, taking a calming breath as I begin to worry that they will be angry at me for eating them all selfishly like that.

"Um..I..sorry" The boy in front of me tilts his head, messy red hair falling to one side as he looks to me with an inquisitive gaze.

"You looked so happy, why are you apologizing?" The boy didn't seem to see the issue in me selfishly eating all the fruits.

"But..I.." Before I can continue I am cut off by the boy reaching out and grasping my hands, a sticky feeling due the fruit juice on his fingers. I look up, the movement stiff due to how tense I have become. He looks at me with a smile in his eyes, a faint sweet scent came from him, mixed with faintly different scents coming in two other directions.

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