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Hey you,

Can't sleep?

Me neither.

Come, let's talk. Let's spend the night together, talking about things you wished to discuss, things you wish you could share with your significant other on a rooftop at 2 a.m. etc. Trust me, I've been there. I know how it feels to stay up, over thinking, and all alone.

If you can't sleep, maybe these ramblings will help. No, they won't help you sleep. But they will definitely help you ease your mind. I've read somewhere that-  knowing there are others with the same issues as you, helps you believe you're not alone. Which is true. At least in my case.

Welcome to my book. I hope I could help. Feel free to talk in the comment section. I'd love to hear your views, your experiences, your criticisms, on topics which haunt us everyday. Let's talk. :)

Love, always


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