Part 45: The End of a new Beginning (Part 1)

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Author's POV

"If you want your babies safe and sound, come at the address I send you. And come alone, or you go back with 2 little corpses."

"H-Hello?!" Jungkook shouted at the person on the other line as the unknown stranger chuckled darkly and hung up.

"Kookie, who was it?" Jimin asked as Jungkook pulled the phone away from his ear with trembling hands and quivering lips.

"U-Uh, it was the k-kidn-naper." Jungkook stammered and looked over at Jimin who had his eyes wide open and lips slightly parted, while tears brimmed in the corner of his eyes.

"W-What?! What did he say?! How are our babies?! Are they okay?!" Jimin yelled worriedly, clenching his fist around Jungkook's collar, clear tears falling down his smooth cheeks. Jungkook shook his head and lowered his gaze, not before letting the tears that was bottled up, out.

"No..." Jungkook whispered and held Jimin's trembling hands in his.

"W-What do you m-mean Jungkook?! Our babies are fine right?! Right Jungkook?!" Jimin yelled as he broke into loud sobs and pressed his forehead against Jungkook's chest.

"T-They are fine b-but-"

"But? But what Jungkook?!" Jimin interrupted Jungkook.

"H-He said if I don't c-come alone to the address he'll send, h-he k-kill our b-babies." Jungkook managed to say in his broken sobs. Jimin gasped, his hands automatically placed over his wide opened mouth while tears continued to flow down his cheeks. Jungkook looked at Jimin with teary eyes and brought him into a hug to which Jimin complied and hugged back tightly, burying his face on Jungkook's broad chest, wetting his shirt with his tears.

"W-Why...?" Jimin whispered under his breath, loud sobs coming out of his mouth. Jimin pulled away and fisted Jungkook's collar.

"WHY?!" He yelled in Jungkook's face. "JUST FUCKING WHY?! WHAT DID WE EVER DO?! WHAT DID THE BABIES DO?! THEY ARE INNOCENT!! They are innocent..." Jimin lowered his voice not able to retain his broken self. Jungkook bit his bottom lip to prevent sobs from escaping his mouth.

"who is he....?" Jimin whispered, his body and voice strained out.

"I-I'm not s-sure-"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT SURE?!! OUR BABIES ARE FUCKING KIDNAPPED AND YOU'RE NOT SURE?!" Jimin shouted exasperatedly as Jungkook lowered his gaze and merely brought Jimin in his embrace.

Jiyoo and Minho had long exited the room, but they waited outside. Jimin's yells and screams didn't go unheard to them. This made Jiyoo tear up and hugged her husband.

The door creaked open, revealing Sehun, Luhan and Seoyun. They had come to visit Jimin and the babies when they heard the news of a murder of a nurse and kidnapping of 2 babies. Their thoughts immediately directed towards Jimin since it was the latter that was in danger.

"Hyung..." Jungkook whispered, but it didn't go unheard to the rest.

"It's HIM." Sehun merely said. The latter knew HIM perfectly including to what extent he could go to make Jungkook suffer.

"Choi Young-jae." Sehun added making Jungkook's eyes go wide. He made a big mistake. He had his doubts on his long lost hyung. But you couldn't blame him. What if Young-jae wasn't HIM? But Sehun's confirmation got him. It was Young-jae all along. But for what reason did he do all of that? That made absolutely no sense.

"Huh?" Jimin looked up at Jungkook who had his Jungshook mode on.

(a/n. Im such a mood killer. Im sorry (not sorry) )

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