Chapter 3 Out Of Many

Comenzar desde el principio

When we got there the paparazzi had beaten us there. After a few minutes of trying to get through, we managed to get to the boys in the back room.

"Hey" Harry said.

"Hey" we all said ( including the other boys which was a little funny to me. I giggled but the other girls didn't. Thanks for having my back girls. Love you too!)

The waiter got our drinks back there and we sat down in awkward silence.

"So what do we talk about?" I finally said.

"Well how are you doing Carrie?" Liam asked.

"Well I can't lie to any of you so horrible."

"Carrie you know we love you and we'll always help you, right?" Zayn said.

"Yeah I know. That's why I didn't lie to you."

Elli and Harry started talking, and so did Leah, Carrie, Alexia, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. I just sat there taking sips of drink until I got bored and walked out.

"Are you bored?" I heard a familiar voice say. It was Niall. He was the one that hated me the least. The other boys thought I didn't talk to them because they thought I was stuck up. But I'm not. I'm just a little shy that's all!

"Yeah a little but I don't talk a lot anyways so I don't expect much."

"I'll talk to you, but just so you know I don't think that your stuck up I think your shy." It was like he could read my mind.

"Thanks for noticing that. I'm tired of being treated like that, but I was just afraid they would twist my words up to hear what they wanted to hear."

"Huh, I can definitely understand that. They do that to me too!"

"Yeah. Hey!"


" Did you notice how Elli and Harry are really hitting it off?"

"Yeah they really are, but I think they'd be a cute couple."

"Definitely! They'd could grow old together and Harry would see her as 20 year old Elli all her life!"

He laughed. Hard.

"Nobody told me you were funny!"

"Nobody ever asked. Unless they ask I don't tell!"

"Point taken. Now I see how I have to figure you out!"

"I wouldn't if I were you. Or at least I would wast a lot of time on it."

"Hey! I think your lovely just they way you are!"

"Don't make me blush!"

"Too late for that love!"

"Ha ha ha. very funny!"

"I just think it's the real you that matters, and I admire that you're only being yourself. "

"Yeah, nobody likes that I do that, but I kinda like it."

"Well, remind me not to get on your bad side!"

"You'd never know what will be comin' your way!" I quickly shot back

"Hey, I'm gonna go back to my flat. Do you wanna come with?"

"Sure. But I better tell the girls. Well i'll tell Elli. She won't assume anything!"

"Good idea. I'll tell Liam."

After we told them, we headed to Niall's flat.

"So just a random question, why don't they talk about your boyfriend, Kaitlin?"

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