Cellphones and Flowers

Start from the beginning

Michael held out his phone and took a selfie of them both. (After some help) he managed to get to the gallery and was beyond excited to see the picture had turned out good.

"Woah, now it's a mix of pink and red. What does the red mean?"

"Well normally it can represent anger or danger, but it can also mean excitement!" Michael giggled.

"Colors are weird," Jeremy huffed then got back to business, showing Michael how phones work.

By the time he was done, Michael was able to use his phone a lot easier.

"Thank you so much Jeremy!" Michael gave him a bone crushing hug. Jeremy chuckled and hugged back before pulling away.

He was met with the grinning face of Michael. "Uhhh...yes?"

"Well, I wanted to show you something that I could do since I think you might like it. Give me your hand."


"Jeremy I don't have all day give me your goddamn hand," Michael crossed his arms, the patch of hair shifting to a pale yellow color. Impatience.

"Okay okay wow," Jeremy set his hand in Michael's and waited.

"Thank you. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you and this won't hurt either, even if it looks like it does," Michael warned then put his other hand over top of Jeremy's and mumbled something under his breath.

Michael moved his hand and a flame sprouted in Jeremy's palm, causing him to jump. The flame changed color every few seconds and Jeremy stared at it, mesmerized.

Michael smiled at his amazement and touched the center of the flame, letting a flower grow.

"Why a flower?" Jeremy asked.

"They're the easiest to summon. I also love how they look. They remind me of y-" Michael cut himself off and bit his lip. "...they remind me of springtime, and video games," he finished carefully.

He scooped the flame out of Jeremy's hand carefully before squeezing it in his hands. He mumbled something under his breath again and when he opened his palm, there was a small necklace in place of the flame.

"Here, so you don't forget me," Michael put the necklace around Jeremy's neck. While Jeremy was looking at his, Michael made his own and put it around his own neck before looking back to Jeremy.

Jeremy grinned and pulled Michael into a hug. Michael raised an eyebrow when he saw the charm of Jeremy's necklace on his back (if that makes sense)

Curious, Michael got a better look of it. It was shifting from color to color before stopping on the color pink. Michael squeaked and held Jeremy tighter.

"You okay there Micha?"

"I'm fine," Michael pulled away and stared at Jeremy. Jeremy instantly got worried, feeling like his tiny little confession was a mistake.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I just couldn't wait any longer to tell you and I-" Jeremy rambled but was cut off with a pair of lips on his.

He blinked before melting into the kiss, pulling Michael closer and wrapping his arms around his waist. The kiss felt way better than any kiss Jeremy had been in before (ha like anyone's kissed him up to this point) which is saying a lot, considering he had never been kissed before.

Michael wrapped his arms around Jeremy neck and ran his fingers through the back of Jeremy's hair.

Neither of them wanted to move, Michael technically didn't have to since breathing was something he often forgot to do. It wasn't really necessary for him as a god but he enjoyed doing it.

It was Jeremy who pulled away and stared at Michael, dazed.

"Woah..." he muttered, out of breath. Michael grinned as the aura around him increased, giving him a slight glow.

"Holy fuck you look hot," Jeremy whispered, staring at Michael.

"Well, they do call me the god of love for a reason," Michael giggled.

Jeremy rolled his eyes and crawled into Michael's lap, hugging him.

Michael hugged back then paused, a sly grin spreading on his face. He slowly let his hands run up to Jeremy's hair and he grabbed a fist full, yanking slightly.

Jeremy squeaked, his face burning up as he pulled away and stared at Michael, absolutely horrified.

"What the fuck was that?!"

"Love is my expertise, in all shapes and forms," Michael winked.

Jeremy groaned and lightly hit Michael, faking an offended expression.

Michael, however, started panicking. "Oh no did I do something wrong? I'm sorry Jeremy I didn't mean to I-" he was cut off with Jeremy pulling him into another kiss.

Michael squeaked but kissed back. When Jeremy pulled away, he booped Michael's nose.

"Had to shut you up, sorry not sorry."

Michael huffed, something new filling his eyes. He stared at Jeremy for a moment and pushed him down, pretty much straddling the taller boy.

Jeremy raised an eyebrow and went to lean up but Michael put a hand on his chest, keeping him down as he leaned down himself.

"Like I said," a kiss.

"I'm the god of love," another one, this one on his neck.

"I'm the natural born expert Heere," another one, this one longer and with more force.

"Don't test me," Michael mumbled, raising an eyebrow as he hovered a couple inches away from Jeremy, the streak in his hair a royal blue color.

Jeremy leaned up and kissed Michael, a giggle leaving his lips. "I think I will, just for the fun of it."

"A good answer," was all Michael said before pressed into another passionate kiss.

Thank the gods Rich left 10 minutes ago or else there would've been a lot of explaining to do.

A good meme to explain this.

"Girls complain about having a nerd as a boyfriend but what they don't know is that a nerd can take off those glasses and blow your fucking back out."

Very self explanatory if I say so myself.

Also, Micha (in this au at least) has a way higher sex drive than normal. Have you seen how many kids those gods have had between each other. God D A M N. Boy can switch from sweet nerd god boi to a fucking horny flirty ass in a matter of moments if the conditions are right.

Anywho, props to whoever can figure out what the blue means. I mean, it was in both Micha's hair and Jeremy's necklace along with a not mentioned tinge of red ÒwÓ

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