Part 17

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Marisa pulled me to the side as soon as I walked through the salon door, startling me a little.

Marisa: Girl, why did you not tell me you stripped?

Me: I simply didn't understand why I had to.

I yanked away from her grasp and made my way to my stall, Marisa hot head on my a$$.

Marisa: I'm not saying you have to tell me everything, but it would have been preferable if you had told me about it rather than that loud ass bitch Kiara airing it out in the salon this morning.

'Oh she really went that low, huh?' I thought to myself. As if the beating I gave her last night wasn't enough to make her stay out of my way. I brushed it off and continued on my way to my vanity, everyone and their mama eyes were on me.

"Is there something on my face or?" I asked aloud, and they all returned to what they were doing.

Kiara: Who spit in your coffee this morning?

Marisa: Stop your foolishness please Kiara.

I stopped giving her the attention she craved and began my morning routine of cleaning and sanitizing my area. I know today was a busy day at the salon for me because I had six customers' hair to deal with.

A loud scream came from the front of the salon, and a glass vase fell to the ground with a loud shattering sound.

Everyone became alarmed and scared, including me, and my heart felt like it was about to leap out of my chest. My worst nightmare and trauma all rolled into one. I never imagined this happening again in my lifetime. I try to avoid this type of violence and fear; it was one of the main reasons I fled to this city to keep my baby girl safe.

Six men in black, ski masks covering their faces from head to toe.

I stood frozen with the broom in my hand, completely unsure of what to do. They all had guns in their hands, pointing in every direction. Mind you, inside here is large due to all of the different technicians who are currently present.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN NOW AND SHUT THE HELL UP!!" yelled one of them angrily.

Customers leaped to the ground, and the other technicians dropped to the ground behind their chairs, hurling their bags at the men. They probably assumed it was a robbery, but I knew it was much more.

"Why are you not on the ground?" one yelled, pointing a gun at me

How did they find me? I thought I could get away from these people. They took everything from me, including my parents' wealth. I even fled from Louisiana and left everything to them.

"It's her E, take her now" another one from the side shouted.

Kiara came out of no where and jumped infront of me as we were in a movie. 'The dumbest thing the bitch could've done' I thought to myself in that moment.

*BANNGGGGG* A gunshot rang out, eliciting shrieks from everyone.

I watch in horror as Kiara collapses to the ground. Yes, she was a jerk to me, but she didn't deserve to die this way. I knelt on the ground, holding her in my arms and shielding her as if it would help her.

"I want to see any of you try to act bad and bold like she did again, and you will be next," he said, pointing the gun at everyone.

"Why??? Why would you do something like this? What the hell do you want from me?" As I held an almost lifeless Kiara in my hands, tears threatened to fall from my eyes. They shot her on the shoulder near her neck.

As she laid on the ground, her eyes threatened to close. I increased the pressure on her shoulder to keep her from losing too much blood.

I looked around at everyone else on the ground to see if anyone else was brave enough to snitch their phone and call the cops.

I was forced to pull away from Kiara as one of them grabbed me from the ground and quickly pushed their gun towards my temple.
"Being too trusting got you in this situation, sweetheart," he whispered into my ears with his stink breath.

I sucked my teeth and struggled to break free from his grip. I'd completely forgotten that a gun was pointed at my temple. He could easily pull the trigger and blow my brains out with one wrong move. I can't let that happen because I have a daughter to care for.

"What the hell is going on, Asia?" Mona yelled from the other side of the room.

Another banging sound was heard.

"Please stop! Please don't hurt them, take me instead!" I finally said.

"That's the goal," they said, and the one who had me in his grip began to force me to walk towards the exit.

As I looked down at Kiara, who was bleeding out on the ground, tears streamed down my cheeks. So I started walking faster, hoping that someone would call the cops once they got me out. And I'm confident that the camera inside is fully operational, so they'll be arrested by police in no time.

When I got out, the road was deserted, with only one black van visible, as if they had closed it off for this event. As the men who were holding me pushed me closer to the van, I heard loud banging sounds in the distance. My heart has been broken yet again as I relived my worst nightmare, but this time I lost even more life than before. I knew they were ruthless, and I knew they didn't give a damn about who they killed. They kill them because they're psychos. I screamed as I was dragged into a black van with darkly tinted windows.

Then another man appeared, holding a white towel over my mouth and nose. I tried not to breathe into it and hold my breath, but the other guy who pushed me punched my stomach, forcing me to take a deep breath. Not long after, my entire world went dark.

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