Part 6

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"Why are we always bumping into each other?" Asked the Greek God himself.

"I don't know" I replied

I'm not really in the mood for talking at the moment. I had just came from dropping A to school and decided to stop at Starbucks for an espresso. But having no luck I bump into this guy a little almost dropping my drink over me.

"It was you at the store the other day right?" He ask

Why is he trying to make a conversation here? Of course it's me , he seriously has nothing to do. Don't get me wrong, he might look drop dead fine but I'm running late so therefore I have no time to flirt.

Pulling on a mug face I suggest, "Yeah , can we do this another day? I have somewhere to be"
Now I push myself around him to get out the place.

I didn't wait for his response and rapidly got to my car, hop in and drove out.

Kiara: You're late!
Me: I know that! Gee mind your own business..

Kiara: I'll start minding mines when you stop working here!

Me: *whispers* hating a** b****......

I walked over to my desk and set my things down. There's always someone out there who doesn't want to see you make out in life , but don't worry tho I'll be winning! I rolled the dresser chair from my work space and grab the broom.

This how I always start and finish, sweep before starting and when I'm leaving. Then I'll unpack my bag with all the hair utensils. Pull out everything and put some candy in a bowl for my clients. Checking the time on the clock it's time to get started.

I bend and took out my schedule book out from the cabinets under my vanity desk. I checked the clients schedule for today and the time their coming and also at what time I can have some lunch. Yeah I'm already ready for lunch and I haven't even started yet.

Me: Yo Shantel send Lina in, I'm ready for her!!

Shantel: Aight sis

Shantel is the girl out in the front the receptionist. She deals with clients real well, well I can say because of her customers loves coming here.

Lina : Girl what took you so long?

Me : overslept..

In she came smiling big as ever , I swear she be in her happy work whenever she walks this floor! Lina is one those clients who comes once in awhile but she good though. She my homegirl so that'll do. When she comes she always wants something new so her man can pay for it. Her man always keeps her looking fly as always. Love me a man like that but oops I forgot, I can do that for myself 👅💁🏼‍♀️.

Me: what do want today? Anything trending?

Lina : Girl you kn I always come here for a new hairstyle that's popping!....*stick outs tongue*

Me:*laughs* this girl, she's something else..

I start her hair by unloosing it because she never does it herself. When I'm done with loosing them out then I'm going to walk her over to my sink and do some deep washing that.

Kiara: You kn what is trendy? How to stop being a fucking gold digger....

This butch came out of nowhere to come looking for trouble. The day I put a beating on this girl ass will be the day I get arrested. She out there dawg. Her ass has noting to do but to stick her nose in people's business.

Lina: This bitch bettas not be talking to me.. looking like a fridge which a big garbage truck run over...

Me: Stop shaking your head sis... remember you're hair is soaking under the water right now..

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