Part 5

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"Listen I don't need your wrath right now" I said shaking Kiara from me.

This girl is really something else. She came out of nowhere this morning and stayed her ass on my tail. She's talking about how she been to a club and saw me on a pole. Which in the co workers view is ridiculous but to me it's true but I didn't see so that mean she didn't either.

"So it wasn't you I sAw then?" She says with a evil smirk in her face.

"No sir. You probably saw yourself on the pole but since you're so in love with me you saw my face. What were you doing at a strip club anyways?" I asked now all fed up with her.

"Mann why didn't I take picture."She says

"Kiara drop it, are you crazy"Asked Mo totally not believing her.

I let out a sigh of relief not knowing I was holding in.

"So y'all don't believe me?" She Asked unbelievably.

"Hey it's not the place for these sick jokes Marisa!" Shouts out my grumpy client.

She is really a grumpy rowdy client. If I take too long on her hair she'll row me out infront of anyone. She don't even do jokes. She doesn't like me talking while doing her hair. She rarely smiles too. But she always pay me good though.

Kiara coward away with madness clearly all over her face. I smirk to myself.

One for me and zero for her.
How do you feel now Kiara?

"I'll take a picture next time"She shouts out from the front.

Oh NO!!!!

I'm totally dead. How am I going to hide my face and I don't even know when she's going to pop up again. Heck I didn't even see her at the club. She's so good at ruining my life.

"What's that about Asia?"ask my grumpy Client Mrs.Grab

"I don't even know myself, all I know is that she hates me" I said shrugging.

I'm flat ironing her hair at the moment. She always come to me to get her hair treated and iron. Either I flat iron it or curl iron it. Like I said I love this job and has considered having my own salon like this one day. But I also want to be a nurse now. Then after that I can also be a traveler.

"Well you need to stop letting people like that get to you. You're at work and you needs to only focus on that"She says as kind as she could've.

"Yeah for real girl!" Says Rachel the makeup girl. She does hair to though.

I sighed and stayed silent doing my work. Because I don't actually blame Marisa it's just that I don't want people knowing that I'm a stripper. People look at strippers as if they're goes but never takes their time out to learn their story.

I know what you're thinking.
'Aren't there any other better part time jobs than stripping infront of hungry lustful men?'

Yes there are many if you ask me. But ain't none could've help me with the many bills I had on my shoulders. And I have been thinking about stopping. Because before I had found this salon job I was a stripper from then. When I moved here to New Jersey that was the first thing I was introduced to by a friend. I had no real job experience and was happy about making thousands. Back in Louisiana I was working in a restaurant but I wasn't making or serving food , I was the clean up girl. I was to wash all the dishes ,sweep and mop the place. They wasn't paying good but I managed to save up enough to move away. No one really cared when I was on the streets no social service came to collect Ariel and I. Words about my parents death were on the streets but no one cared to take me in.

Everytime I think about those times it just makes want to break down and cry.


"Mommy!!!" Ariel Shouts when she saw me.

Man she's such a happy girl! And I planned to leave her like that. She needs to stay just like that.

She rans towards me and I engulfed her in a mommy bear hug. That's my baby!

"You had fun today?" I ask

"Yess!! I have a note in my bag" she says letting go and wave to one of her friends.

"Ok when we reach home I'll read it!" I said now holding her hands and guide her to my car.

"Her eyes are so pretty! Are they real?"ask a kid mother.

I didn't even noticed her standing there in the parking lot. Feeling conscious I press the unlock button and ushered Ariel inside the car.

"Oh well thank you and yes they are!!" I said turning back to look at her.

She's dressed in a black silk dress with her hair tied up in a tight pony tail. She looks very professional I may add. She's probably a teacher here. And she has the perfect slender slim body. A model I'll say.

"That's great! I'm her art teacher!" She says

"That's oh um awesome! Nice meeting but I gotta go now" and with that I waved her off and got in my car.

Locked the doors and turning up the ac and drove off.

"Let me see the note" I said taking Ariel bag from her.

She ran off into the kitchen while I take a seat on the couch. I unzip her bag and took out the letter and read it.

'Dear parents,

We teachers at MAC Saterun elementary school are having a meeting on Wednesday night at 6:30. All parents are asked to be there.

And as for the grads 2 block. There will be a daddy and kid lunch out on Thursday at 12:00. All daddies please come. And a mother and child lunch out on the following week at the same time!

Thank you for your cooperation!

Principal Lakeard'

I closed the letter and sighed. If I don't let Ariel go to that daddy day thing she won't ever forgive me for making her miss a day from school. But again I don't have any male friends to go along with her and pretend to be her daddy for that day. I can't go because only the daddies will be with their kids.

I rest my hand on my forehead and tried to think of a guy at the moment. Ariel came and sat next to me with two slices of bread and cheese in between them.

"What's wrong mommy?" She asks now taking a bite of her so call cheese sandwich.

I force a smile of my face , "Nothing at all" I said

"Are you working today?" She asks

Okay now I'm really wishing that she was still baby and not a talkative 6 year old. She likes asking a lot of questions from time to time.

"No , I'm staying home with you today" I assure her.

The real reason I'm staying home is because I have to figure out who I'm going to ask to be her father figure. I don't have any male friends but my maybe my female friends does.

"Yay!" She says now stuffing her mouth with a big piece of her sandwich.

I stared in her mesmerizing hazel green eyes. They are very beautiful. She totally has nothing for me. Now since I don't even know her father she probably looks exactly like him. And he'll notice her as his child from a first look if he ever sees her.
Somewhere inside my heart I'm hoping that he's dead. If it was possible for her not to ever want anything to do with her dad I  would've been so happy. But I know one day she's going to grow up and ask about him. Then I'm going to tell her the full tragic story.

Life is rough at times. But I'm grateful that she choose me to be her mom. I couldn't have had her any other way.

Now who am I going to ask to play her daddy for a day?

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