It was exactly just like my dream. Although I was a little confused. From what I can remember, while I gazed over the window, I couldn't see my reflection. But now, I see it. Was that one of the hints that everything that happened awhile was really just a dream?

But anyway, if that dream was like a pinpoint to the future, I could use the opportunity and see if it's true.


I reached the famous school in just a matter of minutes after departing from the nearest train station and walked my way here.

However, while on the way, I contacted a group of people beforehand and asked them for their help. It's because yesterday, Mr. Karasuma said that it's better if I go alone. But because of the dream I had, I'm not so sure if it's safe to go alone. That's why I asked Karma, Sugino, Isogai, and Maehara's help on this mission to make sure that the plan will proceed smoothly.

According to what I can remember, Raikuzan should be desolated today. And, there should be that 'tentacle user' who's going to show up from the guardhouse.

I checked a few possibilities, and just as I gazed at the left side of the school gate where a guardhouse was standing, a similar head showed up and said the same line.

"Oh good, you finally showed up."

I tried to make sure I wouldn't glare at him, but now that all of my assumptions were correct, all I have to do is to pretend that I don't know anything.

He became a bit defensive after I asked him who he was and what in return does he want in exchange for Kayano's whereabouts. Though, he only told me to follow him inside, just like in my dream.

The school was quiet, the same from outdoors and indoors, so we made it to the principal's office just like what I had expected.

The door is going to be locked, so I better not fully close it. Upon already knowing that, I slid the door slowly and made sure that a 'click!' sound don't come out.

"Here's the info. I don't really know who gave me that address, but I think it's up to you to find out." He said the same line as he handed over a small piece of paper with an unknown address written on it.

I didn't say anything after receiving it but only took a few steps back towards the unclosed door.

Because it was unexpected, the guy in front of me twitched his eyebrows in confusion.

Slowly walking backwards until reaching the door, I opened it in and instantly and moved out of the way.



Right after doing so, a gunshot roared throughout the hallways and a bullet pierced through the guy's right chest, immediately falling down to the floor.

Karma came in with a pistol and he went to look at his prey.

"Did it kill him?" I asked Karma.

"No, it'll only get rid of his tentacle cells and his regenerative ability. Don't worry. I didn't aim for any vital spots." Karma explained.

A few moments ago, I requested Karma to use a sample of the tentacle antidote and load it on a single bullet. It's suppose to take him a lot of time, so I called Isogai and Maehara to assist him.

The three of them were very confused at first, but thankfully, they did so eventually and the antidote became handy.

After Karma finished explaining, the guy regained his consciousness and opened one eye, asking:

"W-who are you?"

"We should be asking you that. Tell me who ordered you to do this, and we promise we'll set you free." Karma points his gun at him again and tries to threaten him.

"Do whatever you want, cuz I ain't sayin' nothing!" However, the guy became very stubborn, so Karma and I gazed at each other and nodded as we knew what we need to do.


BGM: Sexy Brass~ ♪

"I'll let you have your with me, so let me have my way with you."

The woman seducing the guy we brought in was Mrs. Irina. We didn't have any other choice since threatening him won't get us anywhere, so we let Mr. Karasuma and Mrs. Irina handle things from here.

Although, we were requested to stay inside the room so watching them do their stuff made me feel weird.

"Tell me who is your master, and I'll become yours~" Mrs. Irina continued in seducing him.

"Nrghh~!!" The guy was becoming restless and he was sweating fast. His, face was turning deep red and his resistance to her womanly charms was weakening. I feel your feelings, but I'm not going to feel bad for you though.

"Come on~ Just give in, and you'll taste heaven in no time~" Mrs. Irina whispered to his ears and caressed her hand across his body, and down there.

With one last attempt, the guy finally gave up and shouted:

"O-okay! Okay! I'll tell you! I'll tell you oh my love!" And that's how Mrs. Irina perfected her new seduction technique.


"What should we do with him?" Now that the former-tentacle user confessed everything, Mrs. Irina used a sleeping drug on him and we gathered around while we formulate plans about him.

"I say we make him our prisoner." Karma said.

"Good point. He is a criminal. But we'll take him to the laboratory first so that we can examine his body." Mr. Karasuma said.

And with that, the two of them brought the prisoner on a wheelchair and disappeared.


"Roger that, boss."

It's convenient that Karma knows what I'm up to. He went towards the networking room inside the ministry and contacted everyone.

And by everyone, I meant my former classmates. Now that we finally have intel—the real intel about Kayano, we should act as soon as possible, or that prisoner's master will create an army of tentacle users that will bring the world to history.

Don't worry Kayano. I'm coming.



End of Chapter 42

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