Chapter 23: "The staff isn't...real?"

Start from the beginning

She tried to block out the girl's ear-piercing screams as she covered her ears with her hands. She heard the screams die down quickly. She looked over the side of the truck. She saw a bloodied corpse of the girl, whose lifeless eyes bore into her own.

"I sure hope you enjoyed the little show I did for you, Sunset," said Filthy Rich, he climbed back into the truck.

Sunset growled at him. She was disgusted by his arrogant and disdainful behavior.

She felt her fangs extend as she watched her cyan eyes shift to red. She could smell the blood on Filthy Rich's clothes. Her hunger, which had been maintained until then, surged. She dug her hands into the metal of the truck.

Filthy Rich smiled to himself as the metallic crunch sounded throughout the cab. He kept driving, increasing the speed. He took a few detours, mostly to avoid causing any suspicion. He saw the back of his farmhouse coming into view. He pulled into the driveway, turning off the engine.

He went to the back of the truck where Sunset was. He put down the tailgate as he climbed in. He grabbed the ropes and untied her wrists from her feet. He then helped her down and loosened the ropes on her feet. He gave her enough room to shuffle down to his basement. He then reverted his fake appearance back to his real appearance.

Sunset saw the ominous hallway. At the end was the door which led to the secret basement. She spotted a familiar shimmer which told her that it was guarded by magic. She felt Filthy Rich's hand leave her arm as he walked in front of her. She leaned against the wall, trying to keep her balance.

Filthy Rich mumbled a few words of the ancient language. In seconds, the magic around the door was lifted. He looked back at Sunset. He grabbed her already weak body and dragged it down the basement steps.

Once they were inside, he undid her wrist ropes. He tied them back and made a loop in the middle. He then connected the loop to a hook which hung in the ceiling.

Sunset winced as she felt her arms take the full weight of her body. She felt her shoulders strain as she struggled to not move. She looked on as Filthy Rich wheeled out a cart full of handmade tools.

"What are those?" asked Sunset, her voice cracking due to her fear.

Filthy Rich grabbed a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. As he searched for an empty needle case, he spoke.

"These, are my private collection of torture tools. I used to dabble in the torture scene a while ago," replied Filthy Rich, finding a fresh needle.

Sunset saw the bottle of hydrogen peroxide and the needle. She saw what he was planning to do first. A bit of anxiety formed, which made her stomach twist and turn in repulsion. She threw up a little as she saw the barrel of the needle dip into the bottle.

Filthy Rich flicked the needle, checking for any air bubbles or debris. Satisfied about the needle, he walked over to Sunset. He looked for a good place to inject the contents. He thought about doing it in her thighs. But the material of the jeans made it impossible. He saw the bite mark on her neck and a devious idea came to him.

Sunset saw him approach her. She struggled to keep herself away from him. She was about to move when she felt the needle enter the bite mark she got from Starlight. She winced as the bite mark was reopened. But the pain was immediately replaced by a stinging sensation. The sting was faint at first but it started to increase.

Filthy Rich walked back over to the cart, discarding the used needle. He looked at the array of tools which were sprawled out on the cart. He moved his hand, hovering over each option for a few seconds. He finally made his choice with a handheld rake. The rake's points were modified to be razor sharp. He tested the sharpness of the rake by running one of its points across his hand.

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