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Thank you so much for this amazing fanart @ThornedCrown I love it so much! Also, @ThornedCrown is my editor for this book so while she edits this story on Quotev she will get round to editing this one too. Please be patient with updates on this book as we both have busy schedules at times. We will be doing a schedule so we can get more organized. Anyway on with chapter we go! Also please comment who you guys want to spend free time with!


~3rd person POV~

[F/N] tossed and turned in her bed. Her [H/L] [H/C] sprawled all over the soft cream pillows. Her forehead was glistening with sweat while her face showed a pained expression. 

"Please... stop... They don't deserve this... Nobody... deserves this... Why?"

After those words left her mouth, she stopped moving and became quiet. Her pained expression became one of peace. The night started to draw to a close and the sun began to rise.

~[F/N] POV~

I groggily opened my eyes. Why, why now do I have to remember that? Nevermind, I'll just forget about it. No one needs to know about that. 

What time is it? I looked over to the clock that was on my nightstand that read 06:30. I guess everyone is still sleeping. Well maybe everyone but Bya- 

The pained memories of yesterday flooded my mind. The murder, the investigation, the trial, the execution, everything. Well, I suppose they are in a much better place than here. But I wonder how the others will react. Byakuya probably made an impact on them and Teruteru was, well, just a perve, but nobody deserves to die like that.

Well, I better start training to take my mind off everything and then make my way to the hotel's restaurant. 

After working on my accuracy with my daggers I had a shower and began making my way to the restaurant. What surprised me is that the morning announcement hadn't yet gone-"


Ah, there it is. The new alarm clock for everyone. I wonder how many people actually get up before the announcement.

It turns out I was the first person to arrive but the others soon came saying a very depressed good morning if they could be bothered. Once again Hajime was the last to arrive, he must actually use Monokumas announcement as an alarm clock or something. The only people who were not present were Fuyuhiko and Nagito. The atmosphere was one of sadness and tension but luckily Mahiru spoke up. 

"Ah... Hajime... You're here. Good morning..."


"G...Good morning..."

"Oh, Hajime. Good morning. I hope yesterdays events don't affect everyone too much. They wouldn't want that after all."

I tried bringing everyone's spirits up but it seems a certain short blonde had different ideas.

"Huh? What's with the long faces, everyone? You lot look like you've been attending funerals all morning..."

"But... With everything that happened... Byakuya was killed... and then Teruteru was too...!"

Seems like I got ignored like usual.

"I wasn't talking to you, ugly!!"

"Hyaaaaaa! W...Why are you so mean to me?!"

Because you give her a reaction?

"Well, OK, Mr Hamhand dying was sad, but, there's no need to feel sorry for Teruteru, is there?"

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