Prologue|Part 2|

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A/N-The outfit above is what I imagine you are wearing. Of course you can picture yourself in what you want to but this is what i would think as your parents didn't really care much about you. You would have different weapons in different places for example a gun would be in a holster around your waist. The cardigan is there to hide scars and such on your arms from your parents. Anyways onto the chapter of introductions!

 Wondering around the island aimlessly, you eventually come across a farm named Usami Corral. Who would name a farm after themselves? Weird. You looked around but strangely only saw one animal-- a chicken. Strange. . . Why is there only one animal here? I thought this was a farm. There was also a barn, a windmill and a silo accompanying the single animal. It was fairly easy to notice the two girls there, sitting out in the open. A small, child-looking girl with blonde pigtails matched with a bright orange kimono quickly caught your eyes. She seemed to be pressing her fingers on the dirt path over and over again, not seeming to care if her kimono were to get dirt on it. With your head tilted, you decided to introduce yourself to her first.
"Squish! Squish!"
What's she even doing? She hasn't even noticed I'm here. Hm.. better get this over and done with.
". . .Hey. I'm here for an introduction. I'm [F/N] [L/N], The Ultimate Sharpshooter." You informed with a blank tone, staring down at the girl.
"Hmmm? Ohhh, you're that girl who didn't even say a word earlier! And you caught that boy with the weird hair, right?" She asked with a tilt of her head, looking up at you. Even her voice sounded like a child's, matching her childish looks. Without waiting for an answer from you, she carried on.
"I'm Hiyoko Saionji, The Ultimate Traditional Dancer." Hiyoko answered me then went straight back to pressing her finger into the ground, seemingly forgetting about your existence as a whole.
"Nice to meet you?" You responded, not necessarily knowing how to react to such a rather quick introduction.
"Squish! Squish!" Hiyoko chimed once again, her voice happy and giddy.
"What are you doing?" A curious tone took place of your blank one as you knelt down beside her, trying to get a better look at what she was doing.
"Hmm? I'm squishing!" The blonde responded as if it were obvious.
"Squishing what?" A dark look overcame her face, eyes widening as soon as I asked that. Strange.
"Mr. Ant, Of course. I'm squishing lots of Mr. Ants." Oh. That explains it.
"Why is that? Is there something interesting about it?" Even with her devilish expressions, you were still rather intrigued.
"Hehe. . . If you squish their tummies just right, it makes this awesome sound." So, she was doing this just because it amuses her? She seems really sadistic, then.
"Hey, you're a sharpshooter, right? Wanna do it with me!?" Hiyoko may seem cute and innocent with her childish looks and voice, but it's clear there's some sort of demon inside her. Without saying anything else, you leaned over and looked for a few ants before pressing your thumbs on a few of the small, black insects. What? There's nothing bad that could come from it, and you weren't afraid of them. Besides, with someone like her, you could tell it'll be better to be on her good side in the future.
"Haha! Big Sis, you're really good at this!" Big Sis, hm? Gah, never mind.
"Sorry Hiyoko, but I must introduce myself to the others now. Goodbye." You stood up and brushed the dirt off of your knees before briskly walking away from the girl.
"Hm? Oh, okay! See ya later Big Sis!" Hiyoko gave a small wave before returning to torturing small insects.
Well, that was a relatively strange encounter, you thought as you walked to the other girl there. Her skin was darker than the others you've seen and she had short, wild brown hair that didn't seem to have been brushed in a while. Even if you didn't want to note it down, you couldn't help but notice how. . . large her breasts were. You shook your head in an attempt to clear that from your mind and looked at the unknown girl in the eyes. She seemed rather clueless as she glanced around the area, seemingly not knowing what to do.
As you approach her, you start to wonder-- what is everyone else's personality going to be like? Even though you've only really met two people, it seemed like everyone's a bit more on the eccentric side of the spectrum. When you were still only a few feet away, the girl almost immediately noticed me.
"Heeeey! Who're you?" One of the girl's hands were propped onto her hip and she gave a wide, closed-eyed smile. Instantly, you could feel the energetic and outgoing vibe bouncing off of her.
"My name is [F/N] [L/N], the Ultimate Sharpshooter. And you?"
"Gotcha! The name's Akane Owari! Nice to meetcha!"
"Nice to meet you too?" You replied, not necessarily sure how to take in her upbeat nature. Although, Akane Owari. . . that sounds familiar. Isn't she an amazing Gymnast? Yeah, I believe so. I assume that'd be her ultimate talent, then.
"Yo! You said you're a sharpshooter, right? Which means you've trained an' stuff, right?" Her loud voice quickly pulled you out of your thoughts.
"That must mean you're really strong! We hafta spar soon!" Her words made you blink a bit out of slight surprise. She wanted to spar with you, huh? It didn't sound too bad, in your opinion. Although, you didn't expect her to think you did physical training as well as training specifically for your aim, speed and handling of guns.
"I don't see why not, but don't forget that I'm a sharpshooter. I've been trained to fight." More like I was forced to.
"Ahah, I don't care! Sparring helps me get stronger!" So, she wants to get stronger, hm? You simply nodded along with what Akane was saying. Before long, you deemed the conversation was taking too long.
"Sorry, but I must be leaving now, Akane. I still have everyone else to meet." You bid your farewell, heading towards the ranch's exit.
"Alrighty, goodbye!" The hyperactive girl shouted after you, giving a gleeful wave to your shrinking figure.

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