Prologue|Part Four|

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   You soon arrive at the centre of the island, supposedly known as Jabberwock Park. I immediately noticed the bronze statue in the very centre and just to the side of that statue was the last person who I needed to meet. The person looked to be a very large male he had blond hair and bright blue eyes accompanied by rectangular, white-framed glasses. As I made my way over to him I thought about the statue and the island itself. Was it the symbol of this island? Is this island called Jabberwock Island? What was the actual reason we were brought here? As the large boy saw me approach he said...
". . . What do you want?"
"I'm here for an introduction. If you don't mind?"
". . Introduction?"
"Yes. . I'm [F/N][L/N], the Ultimate Sharpshooter."
"My name is Byakuya Togami, I'm The Ultimate Affluent Progeny. I'm done. That's it right? Back off."
"Hm, fine," you nonchalantly responded. You turn to leave. However, it seemed Byakuya wasn't actually finished with talking because when you had only taken a couple of steps away, he spoke again.
"[F/N], was it? I've heard about you and your family. The best marksmen there are in this world. Cold, vile, and without hesitance. They always hit their mark."
"That is correct," you slowly spoke, eyes narrowing at the blond. How did he know anything about your family? Their business was always kept to themselves, their clients, and you.
"I've also learned how your family. . . acts towards you. I've learned how you have taken down rather important figures." The supposed heir informed, his voice holding a somewhat cold tone. In turn, you nearly lost your composure. Your [E/C] eyes widened a fraction before narrowing and a frown twitched onto your lips, eyebrows furrowing.
How. . . how the fuck does he know that? Your [S/C] hands balled into tight fists as your gaze fixates into a glare.
". . Don't you dare tell anyone here or else you won't be the heir of your company for much longer." The threat pours out of your lips like pure, toxic poison. Of course, you wouldn't be afraid of following through with it. The past isn't to be brought up here-- this place is to break away from it.
"So it's true. . . I won't say anything. I myself know what it's like to have dark secrets."
". . ." You stare at him with narrowed eyes, judging his words. A sigh leaves you as you respond, "Good." Your voice was stone-cold as you spat out the word. I don't if I can fully trust him with that. But if the others find out, they'll either throw me a pity party or treat me like a monster. I'm already tired enough of both of those.
". . . I do believe we have finished talking. How much longer do you intend to stand there? Move along!" Byakuya demands, bringing your conversation to a screeching halt. Beginning to walk away, you get stopped by a strange noise ringing throughout the park.
*Ding dong, Bing bong*
A. . . school bell? You watch the monitor come to life, seeing Usami sitting on a chair. It seems like this is some sort of announcement.
"Congratulations everyone! It appears that everyone has finished collecting the Hope Fragments! I'm. . .*sniff* . . .I'm so happy. . ." The bunny weeps with joy, apparently proud of what minor thing they had accomplished. "Sooooo, I've prepared a present for everyone that'll make you all veeeery happy! I apologize for the trouble, but please gather at the beach! Tee hee hee! May shining hope be with you all!"
And with that, the monitor cut off. Well, you best head to the beach then, huh? Don't want to be late like this morning.

~. . .~

While you make your way onto the beach, you only see Gundham, Kazuichi, Byakuya, Ibuki, Mikan, Akane and Hiyoko there. Where was everyone else? Did they get lost or are they just slow walkers? Eh-- not really your problem. You stand idly on the beach, waiting for the remaining nine to arrive when you hear a certain voice call out to you.
"Big Sis! Big Sis! Let's talk!" After hearing that squeaky voice, you immediately knew that it was Hiyoko who was trying to get your attention.
"Hey, Hiyoko. What's up?" You question with a raise of your eyebrow.
"Kyahaha, nothing! I just wanna talk!"
"What do you want to talk about Hiyoko?"
With that, a conversation ensues. You didn't really have a specific topic, more of talking about whatever the two of you thought of. While Hiyoko talks to you about anything that pops into her head, you notice that everyone else has arrived-- with an exception for Nagito and Hajime. Blinking at their absence, you simply continue your conversation with Hiyoko. Not too long after, though, you hear Byakuya's voice rise a bit.
"You guys are the last to arrive. What are you dilly-dallying for?" He interrogates, pointing a finger at the two previously absent boys.
"Sorry to keep you all waiting," Nagtio gives his apology to everyone, but it was mainly directed to the blond.
"Well, it's alright. More importantly, this is our only chance to talk between ourselves before that rabbit returns."
"Kyahahah! Let's talk!" Hiyoko squeals in excitement, bopping herself lightly on the head with her fist.
"Now then, let me hear your initial impressions of this island." Byakuya crosses his arms and waits for the others to start talking about their finds.
"I happened to notice numerous blocked off bridges on the central island. . ." First to talk is Peko.
"Oh, those are there so everybody doesn't get lost! I tried to cross one of them and that rabbit showed up and told me, so I'm telling the truth!" Ibuki responds to the swordswoman cheerfully. How do we know the rabbit is telling the truth? She could be lying to us for all we know, you think with suspicion.
"So we don't get lost. . ? Is this island really so big?"
"But if you look at it in-depth, it's just a normal island, right? It's got a resort and everything! Well, not that I've ever been to a resort before, but. ." Kazuichi spoke up.
"Also, there's a biiiiig ranch!"
"Um. . . there's also a large supermarket, too. . . It looks like it stocks everything from food to living amenities."
"The hotel was really nice, too. It'd be great if we can stay there."
"The restaurant inside the hotel was also very nice. It seemed to cater to a more plebeian taste."
"Can you guys listen to what I wanna say, too? I found something veeeeery important on this island." Teruteru suddenly speaks up, dragging on his words. Everyone seems interested, waiting for the short boy to carry on. "Girls! Very, very cute girls! Aha! All over the place!" Oh, for fuck's sake-
"Teruteru, if you'd please keep you perverted fantasies inside that empty shell inside your head that you call a brain, that'd be far better." You hiss out, crossing your arms.
"Grooooosss! I'm getting goosebumps!" Same Ibuki, same.
"All of you are fools. . . I can't believe nobody has mentioned the most serious truth." Chiaki voiced what I had thought in my head..
". . . The most serious truth?"
"If no one here realized it, you're all bigger fools than I thought." Is he talking about the actual name of this island? May as well ask before a fight breaks out.
"What did you say, you fat bastard? Don't be talkin' all big and shit!" Fuyuhiko shouts annoyed.
"Small dogs shouldn't bark so loud"Byakuya remarks back.
"Byakuya. . Are you talking about the name of the island itself? Jabberwock Island?" I ask a little nervous in case I'm wrong.
"Hmph. . You're correct, [F/N]. When I saw the statue I remembered a story I'd heard before. . .There's an island in the Pacific Ocean, a beautiful island paradise where summer never ends. . . It consists of a central island surrounded by five different islands. . . It also said that five holy animals symbolize each of those surrounding islands. That island's name is just as [F/N] said; Jabberwock Island."
"Could it be that this island is. . . that island?"
"Still, there is something on my mind. In fact, according to what I've heard, Jabberwock Island is already. . . Never mind."
"Hold it right there! That's a rather incomplete story you've told us!!!"
"No need to shout. I'll let you know once I obtain more information."
"Mehh, I don't care what this island's called. Nikoniko Island or Papua Island or whatever. . . Doesn't change the fact that we all gotta live here, right?"
"Living together on this tropical island sure is exciiiiting! I'm super looking forward to it!!"
"Right on! This ain't a bad school at all!. . . H-Hey, you guys?"
"Hmmm, I like this island too! Can't say the same about the rest of you cretins. . Except for Big Sis Mahiru and [F/N]!"
"Huh. . . Did I hear something?"
"I still feel worried but I don't feel as worried as I did earlier. . Yeah, since there's no danger or inconvenience, I feel like this won't be a problem!" As much as you wanted to agree with Mahiru, you still have a feeling something bad was going to happen.
"Hey, listen to what you guys are saying. We need to stay calm and think about this. . ! We're all here to attend Hope's Peak Academy, right? But we're living on a island like this instead. . . No matter what, it's completely weird!" Hajime states his concerns.
"Why don't you stop talking for a while? Go cool your head off or something."
"P-plus even if we wanted to leave, there's no way we can..."
"There are no ships, and the planes are just for show..."
"From what I've discovered, there's no way to contact the outside world, either....In conclusion... It would be impossible to call for help."
"Then, why don't we just swim home?"
"Th-There's no way we can swim that far..!"
"I'm telling you, that's impossible!"
"Then..what if we cut down some trees and made a raft..?"
"Nuh-uh! You can't do that! That's the biggest of no-nos! Please recall the guidelines for this school trip!"
Littering is not allowed. Let us coexist with this island's bountiful nature in mutual prosperity.
"Got it? I want everyone to get along and live peacefully on this beautiful tropical island."
"Wh-whats with these rules? Who cares about that..!"
"Stop. This rabbit seems to be rather finicky about these so-called rules. Based on that, what if your actions place everyone here in danger?"
"Uh-wah Th-The word 'Danger is a bit much! I wouldn't do anything like that!"
"Hajime....I understand how you feel, but you need to calm down a little, okay?"
"F-For now... as long as we don't do anything weird, it seems there is no danger.."
"And as long as we gather the Hope Fragments, we'll be able to get off this island soon."
"Y-you're all just gonna believe that..?"
"There's no other choice but to believe..For now, that is."
"Anyway, Usami! What's this present you mentioned in your announcement earlier?"
"Ah, That's right! Well, of course, I didn't forget..."
Usami then handed everyone a key-chain of what seems to be of herself to everyone.
"Love!Love! This is it! Don't be upset! I've prepared one for you all, so don't worry!"
Nagito seemed to ask what everyone was thinking...
"....What is this?..."
"Pffft, Teehee! It's and Usami Strap! If you squeeze the tummy it talks!"
"I'm Usami...Magical Miracle Girl Usami. I'm an itty bitty girl who's sweet like milk"
"Isn't it cute? Love!Love!"
"What a waste of time."
"Man and I got my hopes up, too..."
"I'm ashamed I even had my hopes up!"
"Really? I think it's pretty cute. Especially how the ears look like a rabbit's" I didn't think it was cute it was just a little strange, to be honest.
"Well, Usami does mean 'rabbit' You know!"
Everyone but Chiaki ended up throwing the straps onto the beach but I decided to keep mine. It could be something to remember this place by when we get off. I put the Usami Strap into the pocket of my Cardigan.
"Hey! You can't taint nature with trash!" Even she thinks they are trash.
"See? Even you think they are trash!"
Usami sadly went around the beach picking up all the straps that everyone had thrown away.
"Ugh... And I even prepared one more present, too, but now I don't wanna give it to you bad kids.." Another present?
"Hm? You have something else?"
"Well...Compared to the Usami Strap, It's not that big of a deal... Basically, I've prepared a motive for everyone."
"A motive?" Hajime why do you have to repeat almost everything that's said?
"That's right. A motive for everyone to get along. We've come all this way to a tropical island, so I thought it'd be great to do something island-themed."
"Like what? Are you thinkin' of throwin' a big party or somethin'?"
"Is it a festival? Or maybe a miniature shrine? How wonderful!"
"Excuse me, Miss Sonia.."
"Oi perve don't you dare complete that sentence or you'll get another punch to the face!"Uggh I can't stand him.
"Thank you [F/N]..What do you mean by 'Again'?" Nagito asked me
"Hm? Just a little something that happened earlier when he revealed one of his pervy thoughts about one of the girls on this island."
"If we're talking about fun parties on a tropical island, maybe it should be a barbecue or something?"
"Ah, a campfire sounds fun, too"
"Let's find a hoop snake and kill it!"
"Is looking for one not enough for you?!"
"It seems everyone has different ideas, but if we're gonna be at the ocean, then first..."
She then showed us some red and blue bags
"Tadaaaa! This is what it's all about!"
"A swimming bag?"
"Correct! Love!Love!"
"Whoaaaaa! Then that means..."
"That's right. I have swimsuits for everyone. Well, school swimsuits actually. I hope that's okay."
"A-Are you telling us to go swimming...? In a situation like this...?"
"It's not like I'm ordering you guys to swim or anything. It's just if you wanna go swimming, you can..."
"There's no way I'm going swimming! There's no way anyone would be so thoughtless as to go swimming in a situation like this..."
"Aw yeah! That's what I'm talking about! With weather this nice, there's no way I'm gonna pass on swimming!"
"I agree...Even my loins agree! See?"
"Your tenderloins? I understand!"
"S-Seriously, don't try to understand!"
"How long has it been since I last swam in the sea?"
"Allllllll riiiiiiiight! Let's go change!!"
As almost everyone went to Usami to go get their swimming suits I went and sat under a nice shady palm tree. No way was I planning on swimming. Everyone would see my arms and my stomach. I would get bombarded with questions as to how I got so many scars. I heard a soft thumping sound next to me, as I looked to see what it was I was met with a pair of light brown irises staring into my [E/C] ones.
"Hey [F/N], Why aren't you swimming?"
"Hey Hajime, I-uh don't like swimming in the sea. Especially with people who I've just met."
As we sat in a comfortable silence looking the others having fun in the sea, splashing about and not caring if they've only just met. It made me think what would I be like if I had a normal family? If I didn't get abused? If I went to school? Would I have made friends like this? Would I be able to show my emotions? As I looked at Hajime he looked like he was conflicted on what to do.
"Hey? You ok?"
"Huh..Yeah...I guess..I'm just confused as to how they aren't bothered about about the circumstances we've been put in.."
"Oh..I guess they want to make as most of the fun that they can. They want to make new memories with new people who could become their friends. They don't want to just focus on the bad stuff but the good stuff too. I think that we all should make the most of this while we can. Yeah, it's unusual and confusing but we shouldn't worry too much about it.  We've investigated the island and there doesn't seem to be anything dangerous here. It's just like Usami said..We're here to forget about Hope's peak for a bit. She wants us to make friends in our way and not feel like we have to talk to everyone.....But that's just my opinion....Sorry.."
".....You should speak more [F/N]. You say some really helpful things. You've helped me see the good and hopeful side of this. Thank you. I'm going to go join them. Is that ok?"
I didn't even notice but after he said that my lips formed a small smile. Not a fake one. But a real smile. But it didn't stay long.
"*Gasp* [F/N] You smiled!"
"Hm, I did? Anyway, Hajime go have fun! I'll be fine watching."
Hajime quickly grabbed one of the swimming suits and ran towards the cottages as quick as he could. After he'd went my mind drifted off. I smiled? That's the first-ever time I didn't have to fake one. I'm glad. I started to think about some random thoughts in my head but I couldn't help but feel like something bad was going to happen soon. I know that its probably nothing but I just can't shake the feeling off.
"Heeeeeyy you guys! Don't forget about me!" Hajime's voice snapped me out of my little daze and back to reality.
"Hey, Hey! Wait for me! Let me join in the fun!"


Suddenly, the wind had picked up and the once crystal blue skies turned to a dark grey colour.
"What's happening.....? These strange clouds.... This doesn't look natural at all...!"
"Ehh?...Huh..?" Even Usami is confused? This wasn't planned then?
"Hey...What's going on..? What did you do?! This is obviously not right! It was sunny just a few moments ago!"
"Wha...wha-wha..wha.... What is this?!....I didn't do anything....What is all this...?...There's no way! Something like this shouldn't be happening!" So I was correct this isn't planned suddenly...
The monitor suddenly came to life but the picture was too distorted to make out what it was that was on there but then a voice suddenly shocked us all.....

Edited 05/25/20

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