Chapter|Five|Trial One|Part One|

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As the ground began to shake, screams from the other students emerged. The shaking came to a halt and an escalator came out of the statue's mouth. Mikan was the first to speak.

"S-Something came out!?"

"Could it be... Is he telling us to enter it?" Peko spoke with a questioning tone in her voice.

"S-Such a suspicious aura...! Even Crimson Steel Elephant Maga-Z is trembling with fear...!"

Everyone else continued to say how suspicious it was and it soon became clear that they were not going to enter it first. I walked past everyone and climbed onto the escalator that took me to a life or death trial. Everyone else began to follow.

As we came to the top we were greeted with an elevator... I quickly made my way to the corner near the doors. When these doors open, everyone will lose the trust they built with another. Everyone filed in and stood in their own spots. Everyone soon began to speak with one another about Monokuma.

*Ding* (A/N From this part to the end of the trial the layout will change.)

We had finally reached the bottom...only to be greeted with a trial room.

Monokuma: "Okayyyy! Welcome! This is the class trial field! How do you like it? It's a special place that will decide your fates!"

Fuyuhiko: "Tch...what the hell is he thinking...!? Locking us in a shitty-looking place like this...! Are you fuckin' crazy?! Don't mess with me, asshole!"

Monokuma: "Puhuhu... Complain all you like, I'm used to it by now. C'mon, You're wasting time and energy. Hurry up and take your seats where your names are written!"

We all did as we told. I took my seat beside Ibuki and Fuyuhiko. This is going to be a long night. 

Monokuma: "Before we begin, let me explain the rules of the school trial in simple terms. Your task is to reason out the identity of the culprit, and vote on who to accuse! Should you correctly identify the culprit, they alone shall be punished! But if you vote for the wrong person... Then everyone except the culprit shall be punished, and the culprit shall be given permission to leave the island!"

Monomi: "Those rules are too cruel...!"

Nagito: "...Before we begin, there is one thing I want to confirm. Is the culprit really one of us?"

Monokuma: "Of course they are... Our murderous culprit is definitely one of you. It truly is a sad tale, isn't it? By the way, this school trial is 100% fair and square, so please relax. After Monomi, favouritism and injustice are the things I hate the most!"

Monomi: "You really hate me that much?!"

Monokuma: "Well then... Let's begin"

Mikan: "Y...You say we should begin... but, what exactly are we supposed to do?"

Akane: "How 'bout we quit fussing around and just decide with our fists?!"

Kazuichi: "You even listen to the rules?!"

A sigh escaped my mouth. Can we get on with this already? I don't want to be here all night.

Fuyuhiko: "That moron Byakuya was killed in the old buildings dining hall, wasn't he? In that case, the people in there with him are the most suspicious ones."

Is he trying to get suspicion on me and him? Everyone is obviously going say it's me and him.

Mahiru: "Sure, sure. All you want to say is that you're not the culprit, right?"

Super Danganronpa 2 x Reader Insert|The Ultimate Sharpshooterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें