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I opened the door to find...Peko and Ibuki? Why were they here?

"Heyyyyy [F/N] Ibuki wanted you to join Peko and Ibuki and hang out!" Hang out? Even after what I did back at the restaurant?

"Ibuki, are you sure you want to hang out with me? I'm sure everyone else is free to hang-"

"Ibuki wants you to join us! Ibuki knew you were only looking out for the girls and you look supeeerr lonely!"

Before I could respond Ibuki grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of my cottage and shut my door.

"I guess I don't have a choice then."

"Neither did I [F/N]. She did the exact same to me. She just doesn't take no for an answer."

Thank god I'm not alone in this. Who knows what the energetic wants us to do.

"Hmmmmm OOO! Ibuki thinks we should go to the beach!" Why exactly the beach though? I may as well ask

"Why the beach?"

"Ibuki thinks the beach is so relaxing and that no one will be there!"


Well she answered my question. But she's not wrong the beach is pretty relaxing. Just hearing the soft clashes of the sea against the sand does help me relax.

"C'mon!! Let's Goo!"

Ibuki grabs both mine and Peko's hands and starts running in the direction of the beach. Luckily for me and Peko she wasn't a very quick runner so we were able to match her pace and not long after we arrived at the beach. In the distance I heard some faint voices but I couldn't tell who they were.

"Yahooo! Were here! Ooooh Ibuki hears some voices. Lets go investigate!" And with that she starts walking in the direction of the voices.

"We may as well follow her. Who knows what could happen if we leave?"

"Yeah we should follow her Peko. I don't fancy her braking into my cabin."

"C'MON! You guys need to catch up! Ibuki will hold your hands and drag you again!" And we that me and Peko soon caught up with the energetic girl.

As we neared to were the voices were I could tell that it was Teruteru, Kazuichi and Hajime. I wanted to turn back as two out of the three had already been hurt by me. I didn't care much about Teruteru as he was just a disgusting pervert but I didn't mean to hurt Hajime.

"Grrr..! I've got a gaggle of goosebumps all over my skin! Honkhonkhonkhonk!"

What the....I'm pretty sure that you don't go and join a conversation and say that.

"Uwahhh!!?" Because you scare people like you just did with Kazuichi.

"I-Ibuki? When did you.."

"I just got here! I was holding hands with Peko and [F/N] and going for a walk when I saw you guys!"

"..We weren't holding hands."

"You just grabbed a hold of our wrists and started running." 

"Hngh, Hngh. Yes, I see it! A moist lily, glistening with a morning dew, blooming vibrantly on a tropical island! I'm pretty sure when the sun goes down, Miss Peko is the one who frolics in Miss Ibuki's lily field at night! Or is it Miss [F/N] who does that? Ohohoh Maybe it's both of them!"

This boy!

"...Don't fantasise about weird things."

"Teruteru! Do you remember what happened earlier?! Or do I have to remind you?"

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