
"NO. NO. I didn't want to die. I didn't want to fall off that cliff. I don't want to be dead. I want to be alive."


Calvin spoke. His voice harsh. "But you are dead and there is nothing you can do about it."


"Calvin, for the love of God. STOP."


"You don't love me. Why do you want me here?" Whisper snapped at Calvin.


"This is where you belong Jenny," Alice said.


Whisper shook her head. "I don't want to be here. I want to be a little girl again."


"But sweetie..."


"No, Alice," Whisper sneered, sarcastically.

"Don't tell me that I can't. I will find a way."


Her mother's face looked shocked. She had never called her Alice before.

"Jenny, you have to understand. There are rules."


"I don't care. Even if I am never real again, at least there I feel like I am."


"But remember what you did, Jenny. You destroyed his house. Do you think he will even want you back?"

Calvin turned and walked back to her.

"You destroyed his house and with it, the love he had for you."


"He loves me. He will forgive me."

Whisper started crying.

"He has to."


Calvin shook his head. "Your time is running out Jenny. Either you do what is expected or we will have to do it ourselves."


Whisper pointed a finger at Calvin, "You stay away from my Daddy."

She started breathing heavily, her face glowing red.

"You stay away from him, or you will regret it."


Calvin started toward her, anger in his eyes, but he never got to her.

Whisper disappeared.


"GET BACK HERE," he yelled.


Alice walked back to her husband. "Calm down, Calvin."


He turned to his wife, still anger in his face.

"Don't tell me to calm down, woman. She has to be taught a lesson."


Alice shook her head.

"You can't scare her into doing anything."


"No, but we can bring her back. She is our daughter and she is there for a reason."


"I know that dear, but because she is, shouldn't we be doing what is best for her?"


"This is the best thing for her."

He started walking away.

"She does not get to make any decisions."


"Calvin, she is happy there. Besides, she has not been our daughter for a long time."


"No, Alice. She will do as she is told and then she will come back here so that Will can have a normal life."

He turned back to his wife.

"It is the way it has to be. It is a part of the plan."


Alice looked confused.

"What plan?"


Calvin waved his hands at her.

"The plan of life. As it will be."


"Whose life, Calvin?"


"Will's life, of course. Isn't this what this is all about?

Will having a normal life. A life with Evangeline."


Alice began to walk away. "Normal? He has never had a normal life. The closest thing he has had to normal is Whisper."


"Her name is Jennifer Nicole Dove."


"No, Calvin. Not anymore."

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