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I sat back on my stool and looked at the four faces in front of me.

"Okay? Did I do something wrong?"


Hank laughed.

"No, me son. Youse did ev'rythin' right."

He passed me an envelope.


"What is this?"


"Well, ifin youse open it, you will see," Cavelle insisted.


I opened the envelope. It was a simple thank you card.

When I opened it, a cheque fell out.

I picked it up.

It was for $100,000.

"What is this?"


Hank was all smiles.

"Tings 'ave been goin' really gud, Will boy. And we didn't need da extra money, so we be returning it to you."


I put the cheque on the table and took a drink of my beer. I didn't want the cheque.

I had told them that I did not want the money paid back, but I knew I had to handle this situation properly or I could really insult or hurt them. And that was the last thing I wanted to do.

I took a deep breath.

"This is amazing, but ..."


Cavelle put her hand on mine.

"I knows you said youse didn't want da money back, Will, but wese didn't feel right about keepin' da money, ifin we don't needs it.

And Will, wese are doin' gud."


Hank joined in.

"Wese just don't feels right about keepin' da money. Wese, not dose type of peoples."


I stood up and hugged all four of them. They were good people and I really loved each and every one of them.

I wiped the tears from my eyes as I sat back down.

"You guys are amazing."


Elaine pulled her chair next to me.

"Youse are family, Will. And family doesn't do wrong by family.

Youse believed in us and we can't tell you 'ow much dat means to us. And 'specially to me. I didn't know what I wanted to do wit me life and I could see me leaving' 'ere, but now 'cause of you and Eva, I 'ave a trade dat I can do.

I 'ave already started 'elping other businesses 'ere with their websites and now I can see meself stayin' 'ere."

She kissed my cheek.

"Youse made dat possible, Will."


I wiped my eyes again.

"Okay we need more beer and less tears."

I laughed.

"Sounds like the title of a country song."

I had to break the tension.


And it worked.

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