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Whisper hung around the living room with us for a while, but I think she began feeling sorry for Bobby, as he was definitely not that comfortable.


She came to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"I am going to my room, Daddy. You have fun with your friends."


"Nite, sweetie. I will come in to tuck you in later."


"Say goodnight to Jessie and Bobby for me."

With that she disappeared.


"She is gone to bed?" Bobby wondered.


I smiled.

"No, she is just gone to her room. She does not sleep. She just wanted some alone time, I guess. She said goodnight to both of you."


"Bobby probably scared her off," Jessie chuckled.

"He looks like someone who ..."

She started laughing.

"Just saw a ghost."


"Ha, ha," Bobby exaggerated. He turned back to me.

"I'm sorry, Will, but this is going to take some getting used to.

I don't know how you do it."


I sat back in my chair and lit a cigar.

"I don't know, my friend, but in all honesty, I was never that freaked out about it. I could sense her right from the beginning and when I realized she was actually real, she just became part of my life.

She is a beautiful young girl and a joy to have around."


Bobby took a deep sigh.

"I will do my best."


Jessie patted him on the back.

"You will do fine, my big, strong, handsome man."

She chuckled again.


We finished our beer and cigars and I walked my friends to the front door. We made plans to record again soon, as we did not really get much done, once Whisper was around.


I shut down everything in the house and left the cats fresh water and their nightly treat. I then went to Whisper's room for our nightly chat and tuck in.

Both of us enjoyed this time, because it was a chance for us to be alone and be family.


I opened the door to her room, expecting to hear music or the television, but there was no sound at all.

The television wasn't on and neither was the stereo or the computer.


I was more than a little confused. Whisper usually had her quiet time, once I was in bed. She would usually sit on her bed and read. I had told her many times, that was not necessary, since the room was soundproof, but she said it made things more real for her.

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