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The young girl opened her eyes.

Her body was preparing for the shock of the cold that had earlier engulfed her, but it was not to be so.

She was warm, dry and comfortable; heavy blankets covering her.

She slowly pushed back the blankets and sat up, her eyes adjusting to the light.

A fire, burning not far from her, was casting light and warmth throughout what seemed to be a cave.

She had been inside some of the caves that were scattered along the shoreline, but this one did not look familiar.

She leaned back against the cave wall behind her. It was warm to her back.

"You are awake?"

She jumped slightly at the sound of the man's voice.

She turned to see him coming toward her, from the shadows.

"Are you okay?"

She knew she should be afraid, as she did not recognize the man, but his soothing voice and gentle face, seemed to take the fear away.

"Who are you?"

He knelt a few feet from her and passed her a simple tin cup.

"Drink this. You must be thirsty."

She hesitated, but a sudden thirst, changed her mind.

She drank slowly. The drink was warm and tasted like blueberries. It immediately made her feel more alert.

"Tastes like blueberries?"

"They are your favourite, aren't they?"

She nodded.

"How did you know?"

"A lucky guess, maybe."

"Who are you?"

The young girl finished her drink and passed him back the cup.

"Would you like some more?" he asked, again avoiding her question.

She nodded.

He passed the cup back to her. It was filled again.

She gasped.

"How did you do that?"

He just smiled.

"May I sit with you?"

She nodded, as she sipped her drink.

"Where are we?"

The man looked around, as he leaned against the cave wall, next to her.

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