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I had not seen Hank and Cavelle since November of the previous year, so I decided to pack up Ghost, and Spirit and of course Whisper, and take a trip out to surprise them and to show Whisper some of the island, as well.

The Oceanside Motel had been doing very well, if the wonderful reviews were any indication and the website was one of the best I had ever seen.

Looking through the website reminded me of Evangeline, but it had been over a year since I had received the email from her, informing me she was back with her husband.

Still, the thought of her brought a smile to my face.


The trip to Twillingate was absolutely wonderful. What should have been a 4-5 hour drive, ended up being a two day adventure, as Whisper constantly wanted to stop and admire some site that she saw along the way.

From hotels to motels, parks and lookouts, Whisper wanted to visit it all. We stopped at nearly every pond and stream that we passed, just so she could go under water and see the fish.

I will be honest, it did freak me out a little to watch her disappear and I was actually surprised that she would want to go under water, given the fact that she had met her demise in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean.


"I like watching the fish, Daddy and some of the ponds have all kinds of shiny things on the bottom. I tried to get them, but they have hooks that connect them to the bottom."


It took me a few moments to realize that what Whisper was seeing, was actually hooks and spinners that unlucky fishermen had hooked in some rock or sunken log, at the bottom of the ponds or streams.

But to Whisper, it was a treasure trove of shiny, somethings.


We ended up only getting as far as Gander, the first day, which was only about four hours from the Rock.

We stayed at a local hotel, that allowed pets and I had a wonderful meal from room service. Well me and the cats had a wonderful meal. As always, Whisper had her own plate and I made sure that I only gave her food that the cats would like, as that is where it always ended up.


At one point, Whisper disappeared. I found her outside, sitting on a bench at the front of the hotel, watching vehicles go back and forth on the Trans Canada Highway, that ran in front of the hotel.

I sat with her and lit a cigar.




"I know they stink, but I am having one anyway."


Whisper snuggled in closer to me.

"Actually, I don't mind the smell, Daddy. And you are still really healthy, despite the fact that you smoke them."


I had to smile listening to Whisper talk. She had become so articulate since she had returned and often I forgot that I was talking to an eleven year old girl and not an adult.

"So, what are you doing down here?"


She shrugged. "Car and truck watching."


I laughed.

"I have heard of people watching, but car and truck watching."

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