Chapter Nine

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"You shouldn't play with Jacob," Rose scowled at me. "He's bad. He hurt you today!"

"We were just playing on the swings," I replied. "I slipped that's all. It wasn't his fault!"

"Mummy doesn't like you being friends," Rose folded her arms. "I'm going to tell on you if you keep playing with him,"

"You can't do that Rosie!" I begged. "He's my friend, he's not bad!"

"Sadie, he's too old for you. He's going into Year Six! He's ten!" Rose wouldn't shut up. Little sisters could be so annoying.

"And I'm nine, going into Year Five! It's not like I'm friends with Steven - he's a bad boy," I shudder. "He's seventeen and he likes to laugh at me,"

"I'm still going to tell on you,"

Rose keeps trying to talk to me but I ignore her. That's what's best to do with her. Rose is only six, so it's not like she understands! Jake's a nice boy. He walks home with me and he crosses the road without any help. He's allowed to go to the park when he likes and he always takes me with him. Nobody understands that he doesn't want to hurt me. He just wants to be my friend! Mummy keeps trying to get me to make friends with Steven, who lives next door. He's creepy and weird. Jake's very sweet and he always spends time with me in the library. Sometimes the librarian gets a bit narked if we're too noisy though.

Jake's my friend, he wouldn't do anything to hurt me!


"My mummy doesn't like us being friends," I say to Jake after school.

He laughs. "She's silly. It's not like I'm a horrible person,"

"That's what I tried to say. Anyway, she can't stop me from playing with you in the summer holidays," I try to say it defiantly.

"We can go to the park a lot more...maybe we could even go out into town," Jake says thoughtfully.

"I don't think I'm allowed to," I frown. "I'm hardly allowed to go to the park, even if I'm with you,"

"Ah, but nobody needs to know we're in town," Jake's eyes gleam. Then he notices me looking a little apprehensive. "Okay, okay. If you really don't want to, we won't. Hey, can I come round to yours then?"

"I could ask I suppose," I sigh. "Thought Rose might want to play with us,"

"Ugh," Jake pulls a face. "Rose can be such a pest sometimes!"

"Don't call my sister a pest!" I shout at him. "She isn't!"

"Alright, I didn't mean it," Jake scoffs. "Even you say she can be annoying,"

"But she's not a pest. She's my sister Jake!"

"I'm sorry," he says softly. "I didn't mean to hurt you,"

I give him a big grin. "I know you didn't!"

"It'd never think of hurting you," Jake squeezes my hand. "Race you to the apartments!"

We start running down the pavement laughing and having fun. When we get to the apartment block Jake carries my bag for me when we go up the stairs. I'm not allowed to go in the lift by myself. Jake lives on the third (and top) floor and I live on the second. It's great being so close to your best friend.

Suddenly we see Steven coming out of his family's apartment and we tense up. He smirks and pushes us out of the way as we walk past.

"Meanie," I stick my tongue out at him when he's gone.

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