Chapter Six

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A/N: Okay guys, need to warn you here. This is a FILLER. But a kind of important filler, especially towards the end. DON'T skim read though.

So I haven't updated since February...needless to say I feel terrible about it. Believe me when I say I am so, so, so, so sorry. I really am.


Katherine and Luke snuck out to a BVB concert. Katherine's stepdad Steven (Luke's dad) wasn't happy and kicked them out so they stayed with BVB. Sadie (Katherine's mum and Luke's stepmother) was also in a car accident and is in hospital.

Katherine and Luke meet a medical student called Allyson and she joins them. They're going to go to find Sadie's sister up in a town called Greenbrier (which is fictional and doesn't exist in real life...if it does, pure coincident).

We walk out of the hospital with Jinxx putting his arm around me. I welcome the closeness feeling safe. Safer than I've ever felt in my life to be honest.

"So what's going on then?" CC asks as we all climb back in.

"We're driving them and another girl, a medical student, up to some place by the Scottish border," Andy explains. He goes to talk to the bus driver who doesn't look very pleased.

"Coffee?" Ashley offers.

I turn the offer down but Luke, Jake and Jinxx chug down several cups. The six of us sit in silence, listening to the muffled argument between Andy and the bus driver.

After a few minutes Andy comes out looking defeated. "Gregg isn't happy. He says he's going to drive us up to London, to his bus station, and then that's it. We'll be on our own,"

"What about all our equipment?" Jake frowns. He also throws an annoyed glance at me and Luke.

"That's already on it's way back to California. So we don't need to worry about that,"

"We can't go to London, Allyson's expecting us," Jinxx reminds Andy.

"Well we'll get off here and rent a hotel room for the day," Ashley shrugs. "Shouldn't be too hard,"

"We'll pay for our room," Luke offers.

"With what? Your dirty socks?" I scoff.

Luke glares at me.

"Or we can ask Gregg if we can keep the tour bus parked somewhere until we meet Ally and then he can drive us all up to London tonight and we'll figure something out then," Jake suggests.

"That's probably the best idea," Ashley nods.

"It all depends on whether or not his Lordship wants to cooperate," I roll my eyes. Andy goes to talk to Gregg and comes out looking relatively pleased.

"He's agreed. We're paying him extra but it'll all be okay,"

"Someone should go tell Allyson that we won't be driving all the way up to Greenbrier," Jake murmurs.

"We'll do it," Luke says. "We've caused you more than enough hassle already,"

"It's fine," CC laughs. "We like having you two,"

Luke and I make our way back to the hospital. We ask if we can speak to someone at reception in order to find out where Allyson is but we're told we have to wait.

We sit down on the cold, hard chairs and people-watch. There's a youngish man looking worried and keeps asking if he can go to the maternity ward. There's a girl a few years younger than me on crutches and an old lady looking tearful.

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