Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Gina Judge

"Kat! Move your ass down here!" My stepbrother, Luke, shouts up the stairs.

"Coming!" I reply and I quickly run a hairbrush through my dark brown hair. I very quickly apply my usual style of eyeliner and shove on some mascara. I throw on my Black Veil Brides t-shirt, a pair of ripped black jeans and my big, heavy black boots. I slip my Black Veil Brides wristband on my right wrist and my spikey bracelets on my left wrist.


I tear down my stairs and shout "Bye!" to my mother and stepdad before catching up with Luke.

"You took your time," he says. I poke my tongue out at him, showing off my tongue piercing.

"Sadie will go mad when she sees that," Luke rolls his light blue eyes.

"I don't care," I say defiantly "She needs to calm down and lighten up about some things,"

That's true. My mum wants me to be a perfect daughter. I used to be her dream daughter. You know, mousy hair in plaits; good uniform; perfect grades; polite manners, etc, etc. I've told her time and time again, I am who I am and she needs to get her head around it. All I get for that is a "Stop being so ridiculous, Katherine. It's just a phase,"

I hate it when people tell me my love for Black Veil Brides and all my other favourite bands are 'phases'. Don't they get it? I love them and I always will. Why can't they get their head around that fact!?

"Maybe you shouldn't be so emo all the time," Luke suggests.

"I am not emo!" I exclaim. Well, maybe that's a bit of a lie. I suppose I am an emo but I don't like being called one. To them, it sounds like an insult and they say it like it's an insult. Which it's not.

"Yeah right," Luke says playfully. "Aw, c'mon, sis. Lighten up a little,"

We continue our walk to school and when we reach Canterbridge High, we fall silent. It's no secret everyone makes fun of me at school and it's no secret I have no trouble in sticking up for myself. Even when teachers make subtle remarks about me, I loose it. And when people begin discriminating and hating on Black Veil Brides (or All Time Low, Suicide Silence, Pierce the Veil and Sleeping With Sirens) that's when they need to watch out.

I go to my locker and start putting all of my things in it. I've got a poster of Jinxx in my locker and every time I open up my locker it brings a smile on my face.

"Good morning, Jinxx," I murmur to it and get my Maths textbook and my Geography homework. I walk through the deserted corridors of Canterbridge High, grateful I arrived early and I can hide in our form room until Registration is over.

"Hey, Katherine!" Someone yells.


"Katherine! We're talking to you!"

"You can't ignore us, Katherine!"

I slowly turn around, dreading what's going to happen next.

"Aimee. Ashleigh. Vikki," I say weakly.

Aimee smirks and tosses her blonde hair over her shoulders. Ashleigh has an unpleasant sneer on her face and Vikki has her hands on her hips looking smug. Aimee and Ashleigh rule Canterbridge High. You don't want to mess with them. You want to be with them. Boys want to kiss them and girls want to be them. Even girls who go to Canterbridge University look at them enviously. Vikki is someone who tags along with them and sucks up to them. Believe it or not, Vikki used to be my best friend when we were in Year Nine.

"Hello, Katherine," Aimee says slowly, the smirk still on her face. "Nice shirt,"

"Thank you," I reply. "It's a shame yours is stained,"

Her face flushes angrily. Her shirt isn't stained, but it's got a paint splatter design on it.

"Yeah," I continue. "It must've been a lovely shirt before you ruined it. Though I suppose we can't all be good at painting, can we?"

I know this will get to Aimee. She is terrible at art and she hates admitting it.

"What are you wearing on your wrists?" Ashleigh asks.

"Bracelets," I roll my eyes. "Or can you not see,"

Ashleigh glares at me. Vikki turns to me, a horribly triumphant look on her face.

"Hiding your scars are we?" She grins in my face. "Oh, poor little self-harming me. Nobody likes me, boo hoo hoo. Oh look, a razor. I'll just run it over my wrists and then wear bracelets and pretend everything is OK when I'm breaking inside. Oh, poor little self-harming me. Pay attention to me, somebody!"

"Shut UP!!" I shout and I slam Vikki against the lockers and she looks quite scared.

"I. Do. Not. Cut," I snarl in her face. "And you know it,"

"Aww, she's standing up for herself!" Aimee exclaims. "Did we make her mad?!"

"Awwww, poor self-harming, depressed Katherine. Nobody loves her. Aww, she's gonna go hide in the bathroom and cut. She's going to cry herself to sleep, sobbing nobody likes me," Ashleigh laughs cruelly.

I run away from them, their remarks still ringing in my ears. I burst into my form room, smiling to act like nothing bad has happened. I slip into a seat quietly, hoping the rest of my day isn't going to be so crap.


"Look at this hotness!" I squeal to Luke as I log in to Tumblr, scrolling through pictures of Jinxx.

"Come, on, Kath," Luke says, exasperated. "I know you love him and all but-"

"But he's so hot!" I wail staring at a GIF of Jinxx. "C'mon, Luke, even you gotta admit he's beautiful,"

"Fine. Jinxx is beautiful. satisfied?" Luke grins at me.

"Satisfied!" I smile back.

We leave my room to make dinner. My mum and his Dad are out somewhere, presumably at work. Luke and I are actually step brother and step sister. But I hate that word. Luke's my blood brother no matter what.

The two of us make dinner together and when our parents don't come home, we eat their portions as well as ours.

"I hope they're OK," Luke says, looking worried.

"They're fine, mate," I say. "They can look after themselves, you know,"

"I'm going back on Tumblr," I mumble and I get to my feet and charge up the stairs.

I muck around on Tumblr for a little while and then I log into my Facebook, and I scroll mindlessly through my News Feed until I see an announcment from Black Veil Brides.

New tour dates announced!

We're thrilled to announce more tour dates in the UK, we'll be going from March 16th through till May 29th. Tour dates are as followed:

I scroll through the dates, my heart racing. Then I spot it:

Canterbridge, England - 2nd April

The second of April! That's my birthday. I check the price of the tickets and then the meet and greet tickets. There's one set of Meet and Greets left and it's affordable. Fast as lightning, I click on 'Book Now!' and I type in my step-father's PIN number. He'll have a fit when he finds out but I don't care.

I'm going to meet my heroes!


Hoped you all like the right is a picture of how I imagined what Katherine looks like.

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