Chapter Eight

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I ended up having to share a room with Kloe. It was a squash, and a little awkward, because we'd only just met. She snored a lot throughout the night, to the point where I was this close to shoving her out of the window.

"You look like a wreck," Luke says sweetly when I come down the stairs. Everyone's sat around the table and Jinxx gives me a warm smile.

"Thanks mate," I mutter and join everyone.

"I've had a look around to see if anyone knows a Miss Logan," Allyson gets to the point. "There's one and she lives on the otherside of town. I'd come with you to see her but...I need to go to the hospital,"

"Do you want me to come with you?" Andy offers.

Ally shrugs. "You can if you want to," she looks away, not paying any attention to the rest of us. Kloe comes downstairs and gives everyone a lopsided grin.

"Get yourself showered and changed. We're going to find this Aunt of yours," Luke says to me.

"Bathroom's down the hall and to the left," Kloe points in the direction of the hall. "Hot water doesn't work...hope you like ice cold showers,"

I don't but I don't say anything about it. I stare at my reflection in the mirror, taking in everything from my messy brown hair to my small brown eyes. I'm not exactly pretty but I'm not ugly. Striking, maybe.

I get my shower over with as fast as I can and get dressed into jeans and a plain red shirt. I stick my tongue out at myself in the mirror. The gold of the piercing glints in the sunlight. Maybe I should have it removed. It doesn't really suit me...I shake off the thought and hurry back into the kitchen. My stomach growls and Kloe laughs.


"Yeah, just one though,"

Ashley and CC are drinking coffee, which is a recipe for disaster. Jake's standing around looking unimpressed, as usual, and everyone else is just eating as much as possible. Allyson isn't though. She's gently nibbling on her crust, not looking at anyone.

"Eat something," I sit next to her on the countertops.

"I'm not that can have my piece," she offers.

"No. You need to eat," I insist.

Allyson rolls her eyes but takes a tiny bite out of the corner of her toast. "Satisfied?"

The word 'satisfied' suddenly makes me remember of a few nights before the concert. When Luke and I weren't homeless and mum wasn't in hospital. When Steven disliked me (he hates me now). When everything was...normal. I don't think I miss it. Travelling with everyone's been so much fun, if extremely tiring.

I just nod at her and Ally takes another bite. "By the way, we're still going to have to call social services on your step-father,"

"I hope he gets arrested," Luke says. "I can't believe I'm related to him,"

"Don't say things you'll regret later on," Allyson says wisely. "I thought I hated my father and now look what's happened to him,"

Everyone's silent for a few minutes, nobody really knowing what to say. Kloe breaks the silence by asking if anyone wants a cup of tea.

"What's wrong with you Brits? Coffee is the way to go," Ashley pulls a face.

"I'm not sure you should have anymore," Andy swipes his cup of coffee and Ashley pretends to be upset.

"Kloe, get changed," Ally suddenly snaps. "You're going to be late for school,"

"School," Kloe moans. "But, Ally-"

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