Chapter 9

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(Note: imagine baby Hanan has Naruto's whisker marks)

Konan is now 7 months pregnant. Her belly is now getting bigger. She can feel the baby's kicking. According to the latest check up, she will have a baby girl.
"How do you feel, hon?".

Naruto lay down on the bed next to his wife.
"We should pick a name for the baby".
"How about... Hanan?".
"Hanan... *thinking* I like it!".

Two months later...

Konan screams as she gives birth. Naruto is on her side, holding her hand.
"Damn you, Naruto! You made me like this! I'll kill you with paper shurikens!".
"Oh, I see the head! Do one more big push!".
"I can't. *pants* *pants* It's too hard!".
" It's ok, hon. I'm here".
"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!". It's the loudest scream that Konan ever made.

Konan is exhausted after giving birth. A cry of newborn replaced the scream.
"Congratulations! You have a happy and healthy baby girl!".
The nurse gives the baby to Konan. The baby has blue hair like her mother, but her face and her eyes are just like her father. The baby also has her father's whisker marks.
"Welcome to the world, Hanan". Konan and Naruto kiss baby Hanan. Later, Konan breastfeed the baby.

A week later, Konan and Naruto decided to go back to Amegakure. They ride on Naruto's golden eagle. Naruto has gold and light release beside the nature elements.


"Welcome to our home, Hanan", said Konan holding the baby.
The whole Amegakure are exited to see the newborn baby. The villagers make Naruto as their leader. Naruto lead Ame to a great success.


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