-Stage One- Chapter 1: Wake up

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"Ah... mmm," Genesia responded, still searching his thoughts like he was inside an ant colony.

Eish, if only I was in there longer. I was seething for some flesh too, almost like it was the most natural urge I've ever had. That little rascal was really hard to catch. What was she? A wild rabbit? What was I? A wild cat?

He looked up at his twin sister with a bored scowl, using his hands and legs to jump and stand, staring at Neosa like this was all her fault. "See this is why we can't have nice things."

Neosa scoffed at her twin brother's drowsy face before walking to the opening of the tent, revealing the early morning.

There's hardly any light still, what time is it? Genesia wondered, squinting his eyes.

"Hey count your blessings, at least you were the predator and not the prey in that dream. Speaking of which, if you can't catch up to me in there then it just proves my point," Neosa said.

"Heh? Point?" He asked, clearly not catching on this early with his mind still in disarray.

"YOUR ASS IS SLOW AS HELL!" She exclaimed swiftly, disappearing from the tent in excited laughter.

"Oh you little!"

Genesia rushed out into the open to catch up to his sister. She evaded his touch, causing him to fall on his face into the dirt. He shot up quickly, joining in on the fun as he chased after her. The sounds of the wind harshly smacked into their little bodies and giraffe patterned tunics. The twins found their stride in no time.

Ah yeah! That's the spirit. Nyenkooo! Let's gooo! He thought. Genesia felt invigorated by the rushing wind. Time quickly passed in the midst of their strides to which they covered a great deal of distance. The main village behind them was barely visible at this point, like a gigantic pot of huts and wooden pillars.

Neosa was laughing happily, still maintaining the lead on her brother, but just like the dream they shared, she could see him closing the gap hastily. She turned to look at his determined face with a cocky smile and a confident cackle.

"Tlaya Gene!" Come on, she said. "We're almost at the tree! Look, there it is!" She shouted back at him.

From a distance, the tallest marula tree approached their visible line of sight. It was situated in the middle of the grass fields that covered the land they ran across. It stretched up to the sky and back down to the roots in the ground.

The fields and diverse grasslands always felt so open and free. So big and never ending. The two had often tried seeing how far they could explore the fields to which they were often lectured against by many of the others. Something about it being "too dangerous" and "too risky."

Apparently a powerful enchantment surrounded the land that they resided in. For what reason, they still did not know.

Some minutes passed as the twins got closer and closer to the tree with Genesia right on his sister's tail that he could physically reach and grab her like an invisible ribbon of fate. She was so close that he could...

He could taste her. She shared his distinct scent of attraction.

Mon, mon, mon. Almost there, yes, just like the dream. This time I'm not slowing down, this time you're right here with me. Yes. This time. This time I'll—

"Heads up!" Neosa shouted before suddenly jumping high into the air onto one of the branches of the tree.


Genesia desperately tried to dissipate the high speed before realizing he had no chance of slowing down in time. It was too late. He crashed straight into the tree and fell to the ground with a loud thump. Comically. He knew he was stuck inside a comedy when he saw black spots filling the corners of his eyes.

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