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That night me and James fell sleep in each other's arms for the second night in a row. We had exchanged a few kisses here and there but only on our hands and not actually our lips. He had fallen asleep before I had, so I was laying there and getting caught up in my head again. What if he doesn't actually like you? What if he's faking it? Why would he like you? You're a loser and no one likes you. Stop right now, thank you very much. I thought my anxiety was getting under control these past few days but clearly it's come back to bite me on the bum. Love that. My head was racing and I was trying to sleep but nothing was working. I was just laying there in James's arms. I didn't want to wake him because I couldn't sleep, that wouldn't be fair on him, so I just laid there and tried my hardest to get to sleep.

I woke up the next morning in the arms of James, definitely not feeling rested that's for sure. Today's Friday though so we finish school early, thank the lord. "Hey." I say as I look over at James who had his eyes on me. "Sup." He responds moving his head. I roll my eyes and respond with "nothing you dingus. Let's go to school." I move out of bed and into my chair and get ready surprisingly quick this morning.
I make us two bowls of cereal while James is in the bathroom getting ready and begin eating mine. He finally shows himself twenty minutes later and eats his cereal I made him. We grab our bags and get into the car.

"How's Bandit?" I ask Chloe as he gets up and lays on her legs. "He's much better now, Back to his silly self that's for sure." I nod my head and watch James sit on the opposite side of the corridor to me. Chloe was sat next to him and Lea was sat next to me. "How are you Lea?" I ask her while James and Chloe talked. "Pretty meh. Schools stressing me out a lot. How about we move our shopping trip to tonight instead of the weekend?" "That's fine by me. Ask the others and see what they say." They both said it was fine and we went off to form. Today I had art again aka where the stairs are that I'm magically supposed to climb.

I ended up letting James carry me up the stairs, I didn't get enough sleep which means barely any spoons. We finally got into class and both managed to finish off our paintings from last lesson.
Our two other classes were just note taking. James kept annoying me so I started to ignore him and haven't spoken to him since second period. His loss, not mine. Well it was kinda my loss. I missed hearing his voice and eventually gave in towards the middle of third period. His smile went huge when I started talking to him again. Typical douche. Well I guess he's kinda my douche.

"Who's excited?!" Chloe squeals as we are on our way to the shopping centre. "Me!" We all reply at the same time. Yet again, Bandit must think we are crazy. We arrived shortly after and all got out of the car. Bandit was geared up and I was, well, geared up also I guess you could say. I was wheeling around and using that oh so little energy I had up.

We had walked, well I wheeled, only ten steps when a security guard approached us. "Can I see the dogs ID?" Face palm moment. "There is not ID for assistance dogs. Bandit was owner trained by me and he is task trained to mitigate my disability. You can't refuse us access because he is my medical equipment. You wouldn't refuse access to someone in a wheelchair would you?" Chloe responded and Bandit started alerting to her. "He doesn't look very well trained." The security guard says mockingly. "He's alerting actually." Chloe sasses back. "To what exactly?" He replies. "You can not legally ask me what my disabilities are." Chloe responds trying to get Bandit to stop. "I'm okay." She whispers to him and he stops for a few seconds. "Whatever." The security guard says walking off. Douche.

We immediately found a quiet place and let Bandit task and help Chloe out. Honestly why does nobody know the law? "You okay?" I hear James ask from beside me. "Yup." I respond. "Okay I'm ready to go now." Chloe says getting Bandit off of her and standing up. We began the journey to primark when I noticed all the stares people were giving us. "Why is everyone staring?" I ask no one in particular. "Because of Bandit." Lea responds. "Oh." Is all I can say. I mean was I ready for the stares when I went out with Astro? Everyone looked disgusted that a dog was in here. I immediately started to panic and my thoughts made it their mission to be heard. What if this happens with you and Astro? Everyone will be looking at you. What if you mess up? What if she messes up? You're gonna have to stand your ground and be confident. You're not confident at all. You may as well give up on Astro and give up on the idea of living a 'normal' life.

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