
I took a deep breath, fighting back the tears that were building.

Even, at this moment, knowing that I had lost Sheila, the one that I missed the most of all ...

was Whisper.

"I miss you, little girl.

Daddy will always love you."


A soft giggle, like a far away echo.

Unlike the time in Twillingate, this time, I was sure of what I heard.

It was my Whisper.


I forced a smile.

"I hope you are in a happy place now, Jenny.

I hope you have found your way home."


One more giggle. This time very faint.


"Goodbye," I whispered, tears filling my eyes.

I finished my drink and cigar and went back inside.




I spent the next few days, doing a thorough cleaning of my house, including washing every piece of clothing that I had.

Everything just felt cold and dirty.

No matter how warm I made the house, I just never seemed to warm up myself.


I was actually beginning to think that I should just sell the house and move to Twillingate.


I had been to the general store a couple times.

John and Cora were friendly, but I could feel something just wasn't right.


I was never one for confrontation, but I had to try and clear the air.

I took a deep breath.

"Look. I know I am not your favourite person right now, but I just want to say I am sorry, for any pain I have caused your family."


Cora nodded.

"It not be us, youse have to apologize to, Will."


"I have done my best to apologize to Sheila."


Cora shook her head.

"Its 'enry we worries fer, Will."


John continued.

"Dat little boy taught the world be you, Will. His 'eart be broken, boy."


"'ave you even talked to he, Will?" Cora wondered.


I shook my head. I was ashamed of myself.

I had not talked to Henry at all. I had enough problem talking to Sheila. Henry was another case, all together.

"I honestly don't know what to say to him."


"Da truth, Will. Always the truth," Cora suggested.

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