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"I'm sorry I did this, but I had too"



I step into the bathtub. The water morphs around my body like clay. I lay my head back and relax. Finally I can relax. Jimin was in his room quietly looking through his phone. I take a deep breath, but I get an extreme spell of sadness. I immediately step out of the bathtub and drain it. I put the towel over my body and walk out of the bathroom, tears streaming down my cheeks. The sadness comes often. I think its because I miss my family at times. I walk into my room and sit on my bed. 

"Y/n? Why are you crying?" Jimin asks as he emerges in my doorway. I look up to meet his eyes. "I was just sad, that's all." I say softly.  He walks over and sits next to me.  His arm laces around my small waist. I lift my finger and wipe off a tear. "Don't be sad." He coos into my ear. I sigh. "Jimin do you miss your parents?" I ask. He looks at the floor. "Sometimes..." He says softly. He pulls me closer. I clutch the towel onto my body. His arms are tight around me. "I have you now, that's enough for me." He says. I blush and smile. The sadness almost disappears completely when I'm with him.

"Aren't you tired?" He asks. I nod softly. I sigh. "Ii should put some clothes on before I get some sleep."  I say.  He smirks. "I mean...you dont have to." He says. I roll my eyes and playfully hit his shoulder. "No Park Jimin, dont tease me like this." I say. He pouts. "Okay, whatever you say princess." He says. I chuckle softly. "Let me get dressed." I say and push him out of my room. I can hear him sit down outside my door. I quickly change into a pair of Pjs. When I'm done I brush out the tangles in my hair and open the door. Jimin smiles as he stands up. Before I could tell whats happening, Jimin wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to his body. He kisses my forehead.

"You're really cute." He says. I chuckle. "You're like a cat." I say and poke his nose. He scrunches it up. "You know, cats like to be pet." He says. I sigh. "Chimmy, can we just cuddle?" I say. He nods. He picks me up and carries me to his room. He plops me on the bed and climbs in next to me. His arms wrap around me again, but slightly tighter than before. I smile into his shoulder. "See, I'm good at making you smile." He says. I chuckle. 

"Jimin, what did you think of me when you first saw me?" I ask.  He pulls away and leans his head on his hand, his other hand holding mine. "I thought you were a shy girl, quiet and cute. You were also beautiful." He says. I nod. "Wanna play 20 questions?" He asks. I shrug. "Sure." I say. "Okay, me first. What do you like about me?" He asks. I smile. "I love the fact that your soft on the inside and your very sweet to me. I also like how you can act like a cute puppy bu then go tough when i'm in trouble." I say. He smiles.

"My question is...hmm. What's your favorite Kpop group?" I ask. He pauses for a second, thinking. "I really like Astro and Exo." He says. I smile. "I like them too." I say. He smiles back at me. "We really do have a lot in common." He says. "My next question is...did you ever think Taeyong would cheat?" He asks. I shake my head. "Honestly when I first got with you I was afraid you would do the same, but then something about you made me want to try." I say. He caresses my cheek gently. "I am very loyal, trust me." He says. I nod. "I trust you." I say. My eyes are heavy. Jimin holds me close. "You know...when I found out Joy cheated...I thought Love was stupid." He says.

"I felt the same." I say softly. He is silent for a moment. "Do you trust me?" he asks. I nod. "I guess something about you changed my perspective on love in general." He says. "I was afraid you wouldn't trust me. I wanted to make sure you did because I needed to make sure you were comfortable. I want you to be happy, and if that means I have to change my life just for you I would."  He says causing my heart to flutter faster. My face turns a bright shade of pink and he smiles at me.

"Your cute when you do that." He says. "Stop it, my heart might explode." I say. I shuffle closer to him. "Who would have thought we would have gotten close like this. We have been together for about 4 months now and I feel like its been forever." I say.  He nods. "Y/n, I love you." He says. "You saved me Jimin...you really did." I say. I feel some tears forming again. He has a glimmer in his eyes as well. We both lost it at that moment. We both broke down in tears. We pulled each other closer. I hold him in my arms and he holds me next to his body. 

"Jimin thank you."  I say. He nods and kisses my forehead. "Forever and always. I promise I will make you happy for the rest of your life." He says softly while wiping both of your tears off our cheeks gently. We both move closer to each other until we are warm with each other's body heat. Jimin falls asleep first. I cherish his soft facial features. I want this moment to last forever...and I hope I have the ability to keep him here. I love him more than anything else. 

Hey guys
I've been procrastinating way to much so sorry. Anyways here is the next chapter. I hope you liked this one. It has taken me about 3 days to finish this one because I was out of ideas, but of course I found some really good ideas in the back of my brain which were originally for Sharp. but you know what they are in this book now so DON'T COME AT ME.

I am almost at 6k on heart throb and that's so freaking amazing.  Do y'all like this book? I hope you do. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING. I hope your safe and your all healthy. Have a wonderful day my doods BYE BYE💜🤙🔥🤠

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