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"Im your boss, Park Jimin"



 "Y/n your going to be late!" My best friend Lu Han yells from the kitchen. I look at myself in the mirror and smooth my T-shirt. I take a deep breath. Today is my first day at my new job. I work at a bar called 'Serendipity'. I never thought i would decide to work at a bar. It just felt like it was the type of place that i could finally let go and forget about the death of my parents. Lu Han and I moved in together a while ago. We have been friends since we were 5 years old. I smile into the mirror and brush my hair out of my face. I take another deep breath before i leave my room to go meet Lu Han for breakfast. 

"Are you ready for your first day?" He asks. I shrug. "Its going to be different, but i need to let go." I say. He nods. I sit down at the table and grab my chop sticks and poke at my rice. Lu Han tilts his head and studies my facial features. "Hmm, You seem nervous. Don't worry, you will be great! Fighting!" He says making me giggle. I look at the clock on the fall then jump out of my seat.

"Crap im gonna be late, I will be back soon. Bye Lu!" I say as i grab my bag and run out the door. I quickly catch a Taxi and slide into the back seat. "Annyeong, Where to Miss?" The driver asks. "Ah- Serendipity Pub please." I say. The driver nods and begins to drive to my destination. I turn on my phone and scroll through my messages. None as usual. I turn my phone back off then look out the window. The sky is clear and its sunny, a nice day. Yet im going into the darkest building possible, A pub. I watch the sky as we finally pull into the parking lot of the pub. "Here we are." Says the driver. I smile then hand him a tip. "Thank you sir, have a nice day." I say as i bow. I step out of the car and clutch my bag close to my side. I take a deep breath before heading inside. I push through the large tinted glass doors and immediately smell the alcohol. I am greeted by another girl at the front.

"Ah- You must be Y/n, nice to meet you. My name is Ren." The girl says smiling. I smile back. "Follow me to the locker room, i will show you your uniform." She says. She starts to walk to the locker room and i follow her. She pushes through a set of wooden doors revealing lockers and a shower. Its nicely laid out. Its has more light than the rest of the pub. She hands me a small piece of paper. "This is your locker number, once you get changed come see me again and i will get you started." She says. I nod then she leaves me alone. I look at the paper. Locker 316. Minutes after searching i eventually find my locker. I open it slowly. I stare at the uniform. A really short skirt and a white blouse. I slip out of my clothes and put on the uniform. When i put the skirt on, its not as short as it looks. It comes to about the middle of my thighs. I slip on a pair of heels, Then i walk over to the mirror to put my hair into a messy bun. I have to admit, i look good. I tie my apron around my waist then walk out of the locker room and back over to Ren who was wiping down a table. 

"Alright then let me show you what to do." She says. She shows my everything i have to do. My job is to be a server. Then its time to start. There are a couple of people who come in. "Aye, pretty girl over there, get us some more drinks." A man yells at me. I gulp. I slowly make my way over to the table. The man smirks at me. I begin to get nervous. I bite the inside of my cheek. This job isnt going very great. The man pulls me by the waist closer. I hear whispers from other tables. They are all staring. Someone grabs me by the arm and pulls me away from the men and they are escorted out my security. I turn around to see a really handsome man in front of me. He studies my face for a minute. "You must be Y/n." He says with a soft voice. He lets go of me and i back up. "My name is Park Jimin, I am your boss." He says. He gives me a small smile "Sorry about those men, I was hoping they wouldn't show up on your first say." He apologizes sending a warm feeling down my spine. I nod. "Its okay." I say. He nods and leaves me to do my work. I watch him walk away. He was very handsome. Ren rushes over to me.

"Y/n are you okay?" She asks. I nod. She studies my face. "Hmm- That Mr. Park sure is handsome." She giggles. My face turns red. I shake it off then get back to work. Something about this place seems different then all of my other jobs. When the day ends im called into Mr. Park's office.  I quickly change back into my normal clothes then grab my bag and rush out of the locker room to his office. I knock on the door. 

"Come in Miss. Y/n." Mr. Park says from behind the door.  I open the door and walk inside. He gestures for me to sit down on the chair across from his desk. "So y/n how was your first day?"  He asks. I gulp. "It was okay, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work here." I say. He nods and leans against the desk. He stays silent for a few moments. "Dont let those men touch you. We will get them out of here if they do, so dont worry." He says. I nod. He sighs. "If you ever need anything just call me okay?" He says. I nod. He smiles at me. "I hope you have a wonderful time here." He says. I bow. "Thank you sir. I should be heading home now.  I will see you tomorrow." I say. He smiles at me then i leave the office. I see another man standing behind the counter washing glasses. When he sees me he smiles. "Ah- your y/n aren't you?" He says. I walk over and nod. "Nice to meet you, my name is Namjoon. All of a sudden a glass falls on the floor. "Namjoon what did you break this time!" Says another man coming out of a room behind the counter. "Oh hello, Y/n right?"  He asks. Namjoon lowers his head. "Yeah thats me." I say. "My name is Seokjin." He says. I smile. "well i guess i will see you guys tomorrow, is should get going. Annyeong." I say as i begin to walk out. This pub is filled with handsome men, i think to myself. I call a taxi then step in. When i get home i walk inside to find  Lu Han on the sofa. 

"Y/N YOUR HOME!"  He shouts causing me to giggle. I flop down on the couch next to him. He mutes the Tv. "How was your first day?" He asks. I shrug. "I was almost raped by this crusty old man." I say. His eyes widen. "Holy crap, are you okay?" He asks. I nod. "My boss saved me." I say. Lu nods. He smiles at me. "You must be tired, wanna finish watching the last episode of Sweet Combat with me?" He asks. I giggle and nod. I cuddle up next to him and he turns the show on. Its been a long day. I hope tomorrow goes okay.


Hello guys i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Stay
Some of you may know that this is my 3rd fan fiction. Im sorry if it seems like it went really fast. Im trying to work on my writing skills. Anyway be sure to check out my other storries like: 
Heart Throb
Thank you for reading, Annyeong💜

Stay // Jimin X Reader {Completed one shot}Where stories live. Discover now