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"Sometimes words aren't enough to fix things"



I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. My heart hurts. I feel guilty for leaving Lu but a part of me feels like its the best thing I can do right now. Its already almost midnight. I lift my hand and see the wrap on my wrist. I sigh. Jimin was asleep in his own room. I sit up in bed and lower my head. I dont know why I feel so guilty. I shake my head and lay back down and stare back up at the ceiling. I didn't really expect to be this sad but hey, things like this happen... right?

"You asleep?" I hear Jimin say from the door-way. I sit up again and shake my head.  He walks over and sits on my bed next to me. "Are you doing okay?" He asks. I slowly nod. He puts his hand on my back. "Its not your fault." He says softly. I nod. "I know...its just i feel guilty for some reason and its bothering me so much." I say. He nods in agreement. "Its okay y/n, im here with you now okay?" He says. I nod again. I feel his arms wrap around my waist. He kisses my forehead. 

"Can I ask you something?" He says. I look him in the eyes. "What is it?" I ask. He stares deep into my eyes. "Are you happy with me, am I taking things to fast?" He asks. I shake my head. "Of course I'm happy with you." I say while sniffing.  He puts his hand on my cheek and smiles softly. He looks very handsome up close. "Get some sleep." He says before kissing my forehead. "J-jimin?" I stutter. He looks back at me. "Can you stay?" I ask. He smiles again and nods. He crawls into bed next to me and wraps his arms securely around me. 

"Are you still sad?" He asks against my neck. I shake my head. "Thank you Jimin." I say quietly. He hugs me tighter. "When you first met me, did you think I was cold?" He asks. I sigh. "I mean, a little i guess." I say. He chuckles. "You seem life a soft teddy bear to me now though." I say causing him to smile again. I chuckle.

"We should get some sleep, we have work tomorrow." He says. I nod. I turn to face him and bury my face in his chest. I take in the sent of his t-shirt. I soon close my eyes and fall asleep.


When I wake up Jimin already left. He went back to his room to get ready for work. I get up and take the clothes I laid out the night before. I walk into the bathroom and change, put on makeup, then brush my teeth and hair. I walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. Jimin is sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee. There is another cup next to him. He turns around and smiles. "Good Morning, I made you black coffee. We have creamer. I didnt put any in because  I didnt know what you liked." He says. I bow and smile. "Thanks Jiminie." I say. He smiles brighter at the nick name. I sit down next to him at the counter. 

"You ready for work?" He asks. I nod. "The others probably wont be as crazy as they were a yesterday." I say. He nods. "Your probably right."  He says. He finishes his coffee and so do I. "Okay lets get going." He says. I nod. We get up and turn the lights off.  We close the front door behind us as we walk out. We walk down the small driveway and get into the car. The ride to the pub is quiet. Once we get there we both get out of the car. Before we go in he pulls me aside. 

"If Taeyong, Luhan, or Joy come in please get me or tell someone to get me right away, I dont want anyone hurting you." He says. I nod. He nods back and kisses me quickly. "I love you." He says. I smile. "I love you too." I say. We walk in and I go to the locker room. Ren was already ready so I quickly get ready. Once I'm done I walk into the bar. I meet Namjoon and Jin at the bar. 

"Hey Y/n, whats up?" Jin asks. I shrug. "Nothing much." I say. We talk for a little while until its time to open. Once the bar opens we all get to work. I start off by cleaning off some tables. Each one is pretty clean from the day before but I still clean up. Jin helps me because not many people come in the morning. Until that afternoon.

Everything was going great. We had a lot of customers today and we were all getting cleaned up for the day. The bell by the door rings. I turn around to greet the person but when I see who it is I almost scream. Taeyong. He walks to the counter wearing a really sad face. We all stay quiet as he sits down. Namjoon serves him. "Y/n....can I talk to you please. I promise I wont do anything." He says. I hesitate for a minute. "I-i guess." I say. I sit down next to him. The others leave us.

"I'm so sorry for doing all of this to you." He says softly. I gulp. "Will you forgive me?" He asks. I sigh. "Maybe some day Tae, but not right now." I say. He nods. "I completely understand. Im actually going to america for a few months, so I will leave you alone." He says. Before he gets up I stop him. "Tae, thank you for apologizing. Good luck in america." I say. He gives me a small smile and bows before leaving the pub. I sit at the bar and stare at the counter. I was shocked but relived. But then something else happens. There is a loud bang and I turn around to see the door crashing shut and Lu stomping towards me. My eyes widen. "JIMIN!" I scream. Lu has an extreamly angry look on his face. Lu pushes me back and Ii fall to the ground.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" He screams at me. My eyes tear up. "L-lu stop."  I cry.  He kicks my side. "YOU LEFT!" He screams. "WHAT KIND OF FRIEND ARE YOU!" He yells kicking my side again. I yelp in pain. There is fire in his eyes. 

"GET OUT!" Jimin screams to Lu. Lu glares at him. "Excuse me?" Lu hisses.

sorry not sorry. SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING OOF. i have been so busy lately. I hope you liked this chapter. Merry Christmas😊🎄💜

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