Chapter Thrity-Four

Start from the beginning


A few hours later Luke and I are still on his bed just lying there. We haven’t left the room once and no one is looking for us so we aren’t concerned. The boys all decided that the next few days they wouldn’t rehearse so they can spend time with us, considering they will be doing plenty of that on tour.

“Let’s do something tonight.” Luke says randomly breaking the long silence we have both been enjoying.

 “Like what?”

 “I don’t know, we haven’t gone out since… well since the first week you were here basically.”

 “I know it’s been a long time.”

 “Alright so it’s settled, we’re going out. Dinner? Maybe we can go to a beach or something just chill there instead of in this gloomy house?”

“Yes. That sounds perfect!”

“Great, so I say we leave here around 5, that sound okay?” He asks.

“Yeah, it’s a date.”

“Yes, yes it is.”

Luke and I stay like that for a little bit longer. When the clock reads two I get up and head over to my room to see what I should wear. As I am walking there Michael sees me coming out of the room.

“Hey Aubrey!”

“Hey Michael!” I say back.

“Where have you and Luke been?”

“Just in there.” I say pointing back to Luke’s room. When I do Michael’s eyebrows raise up and I know what he’s thinking. I playfully hit his arm “No not doing that, jeez Mikey.” He starts laughing and pretending that my hit hurt.

“So, you’re taking the news well.” He says

“Well there really isn’t anything I can do about it, it is what it is.”

“We are all gonna miss you.”

“I know, I’m gonna miss you all too! This was so much fun, definitely the best thing I will ever do in my life.”

“I’m glad,” he says smiling. “We will most definitely never forget this. Come here.” He says and opens his arms for a hug.

“Thanks Michael.” He kisses me on the top of my head.

“Of course Aubrey.” I squeeze him in our hug once more then pull away. “So what are you guys up to tonight?”

“Luke said we’re going out for dinner.”

“Nice, nice!”

“Yeah! I think we should all do something, maybe tomorrow? Like the eight of us, I feel like we haven’t done that.”

“That sounds great, I’ll talk to Calum and Ashton about it. Have fun tonight, not too much though.”

“Okay, thanks and you too Michael.” I say winking and he walks into Quinn’s room.


 Dried hair and an hour later, there is still nothing to wear. I know we aren’t leaving for another two hours but I don’t like to feel rushed. I take a deep breath and go into my closet once more trying to find something without ripping my hair out.

 After staring at what feels like nothing for ten minutes I finally decide on a pair of dark blue jeans and a bright pink tank top. I pull out a pair of matching peek-a-boo wedged shoes and slip them on to see how they look. Surprisingly they look great. Now that I have what I am going to wear, I sit at my desk and open my laptop to see what is going on in the world of the interweb.

 I take to twitter to see if anything is being said about the boys, something that helps me think. I never thought I would be the girl to go crazy on social media about anyone, celebrity or not. However, now knowing them I feel like if I wasn’t in their lives this way I would be in their lives via twitter and from what I am seeing these girls are quite happy to be part of this fandom. I smile reading through the tweets about the boys, about how they have saved them or changed their lives for the better through their music, and it just makes me happy beyond explanation. Something these boys are doing is right, and to thousands of followers on twitter already their success is only going to grow.

 I make the rash decision to follow some of these “fan twitters” I don’t have any photos of Luke and I on my profile so everything is all-good with that. Lots of them follow back right away and are super sweet. They all welcome me with open arms, or what seems like open arms. After following about 15 people I get a message from one of the girls.

 “Hey aren’t you Luke’s gf?”

Weird how the hell would she know that. I decide to look into it a bit. I click on her profile and scroll through her pictures, there are a few from today and when I get to the one of her and Luke together I recognize her right away. She is the girl one had won meet and greets today, the girl who Luke had whispered something too. I reply to her.

And how would you know that?” I say just to make sure everything is all clear for me to confirm anything.

I met him today at the radio station and he said I wasn’t allowed to say anything.”

“Okay, well yes I am. Thank you for entering you made those boys life, knowing you guys care is amazing to them!”

“Really? Bc they make me so happy! You and Luke and really cute together Aubrey I hope you stay together for a really long time”

“Awe, thank you very much. I hope that too! Pls don’t tell anyone about Luke and I just yet. He is gonna say something when he feels ready.”

“Sure thing! It will be our little secret!”

“Yes, it will thank you babe. And don’t give up on my boys.”


“Alright, thanks for talking. I need to go! Xx”

I sign off twitter and there is a smile on my face that is not going to be leaving anytime soon. Seeing all of those pages dedicated to the four boys roaming around the house being silly is so crazy. They must see what kind of following they are accumulating online, yet still they don’t believe people love them. It’s crazy.

About a half an hour later there is a knock on my bedroom door and when I open it I see Luke standing there and I know everything will be okay. Here or not physically he will always be with me.

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