Chapter Seventeen

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I go into my room when we get back from our little date, and low and behold who is sitting there on my bed? Luke, of course.

“Luke, “ I begin laughing, “What are you doing now?”

“Nothing, just waiting for you to get home.”

“You have a problem Luke.” I say still laughing, “Couldn’t you have been doing something productive while you waited for me?”

“Yes I do have a problem, and it’s that I can’t seem to go 5 minutes without you. You have become like air to me.” I am looking at my feet now, I don’t know what to say. We have hung out twice I didn’t think these feelings would happen so fast. But it seems they are happening on both of our parts.

“Luke-“ I begin but he cuts me off.

“No Aubrey, seriously I like you A LOT. I know I keep saying that but it’s only because it’s the truth. I didn’t think I was ever going to find someone that I enjoy so much. It’s even better that you didn’t know about us, you didn’t have any expectations and I love that. I really do.”

After Luke is finished talking I can’t help myself. I push my lips towards him and begin kissing him all over his lips. He turns me around so he is front of me and then starts to run toward my dresser. In seconds he is lifting me up and sitting me on the top of the dresser so he can kiss me better because of our heights.

“We should probably stop, maybe do something… we could watch a movie” I say between kisses. “Are you hungry we can eat.”

He starts to kiss down my jaw and to my neck.

“I’m not really that hungry are you?” He asks his voice a horse whisper.



His mouth is back on mine and I take his hair in my hand and try to get as close to him as possible, Luke’s hands are moving up and down the side of my body and I don’t think I can hold off any longer. Just as I am about to rip off his shirt there is a knock on the door.

“Aubrey, and Luke. Yes we know you’re in there. Can we talk to you? House meeting in the living room.” It was Mikey.

“Shit.” Luke mummers under his breathe and I laugh. Luke backs away and I see that his hair is a mess.

“Here.” I say trying my best to fix his hair while he tries to reduce the plumpness of my lips with his thumb.

I jump off the dresser and we head to the living room.


Everyone else is already in the living room when we get there, I look over at Jordyn and she is just smiling. I look at her and stick out my tongue. I know exactly what it looks like and it almost was that. Ashton is standing in front of the rest of us.

“I hope you are all free on the weekend…” He begins and all the girls look at each other with questioning looks.

“There is a small carnival that is coming to town this weekend and there is going to be live music and all kinds of stuff. I was thinking we could all go and have a four-way date night thing. So boys, ask whoever you want to go with!” As soon as he says that Luke’s hand is on mine and he is looking at me smiling. I almost see Ashton frown, but I could be imagining things.

I look over at Jordyn and she is just staring at Ashton. She is totally in love with him, I need to tell him to ask her.

Ashton calls dismissal and everyone goes back to what they were doing. Luke starts to pull me back up stairs, “Hold on I just need to talk to Ashton, spare bedroom?”

“Oh yeah okay. And sure if no one is in there.” He let’s go of my hand and I call to Ash as he is about to walk to the basement.

“Ashton, wait!” He turns around and I walk over to him.

“What’s up Aubrey?”

“You need to ask Jordyn to the carnival.”

“Alright.” He says laughing.

“When you said date night, I’m like pretty sure I saw her eyes turn into hearts while she was looking at you. But I don’t blame her.”  I say to him smiling and pushing his shoulder.

“Thank you Aubrey. I didn’t even know she liked me. But I will definitely ask her.”

“Okay, good! See you Ashton” I say and hug him before going up stairs to meet Luke in the bedroom.


Luke and I don’t end up doing anything; we are just kind of lying there talking about everything.

“I expect a formal ask to the carnival” I say laughing.

“Okay, what ever will get you to come with me!” He says kissing me on my nose.

I cuddle up to him and all of a sudden I get really sleepy. Before I know it, he kisses me says goodnight and turns off the light. Nights like these are what I live for now.

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