Chapter Seven

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After thinking really hard throughout the last few classes I have decided that I am never going to win anyone over by staying in public school. Yes all of my friends are here, but it isn’t like im skipping town and will never see them again. Principal Adams knows about the boys and was told that I might change my mind. I quickly go into the office when I have a chance to sneek away from the girls at lunch.

“Hi Mrs. Turner” I say to the main secretary in the office.

“Hello Miss. Parker how are you today?”

“I’m good, thanks. I was just wondering if Principal Adams is available right now? Or in a few minutes?”

“Let me go check for you, and if he is I’ll send you in.” She says as she gets up and I thank her. A few moments later she comes back and tells me that I can go on in. Principal Adams office is just what you would think a highschool principal’s office would look like. Walls are lined with his achievements and awards. In the middle of the room sits a big mahogany desk with two chairs facing him. His desk is filled with papers and photos of his family.

“Ah so nice to see you Aubrey. Is everything alright?” He asks genuinely sounding concerned.

“Yes sir everything is perfectly fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something. You know about the band that are living here, 5 seconds of summer just a few minutes from the school. I believe that James York talked to you about it?”

“Yes of course. He mentioned that you might be leaving us for the remainder of the year and stay there and learn with the live in teacher.” He says to me.

“Well that’s what I came to talk to you about. I have been fighting it since I received the news about the house. But after long hard thought, I think that I might and go finish the year in the house. If that is alright?” I’m getting nervous now. I’m not sure how something like this is supposed to work. I have clearly never been faced with the issue before.

“Well he did warn be about this happening. Nonetheless, everything is fine. Come the fall, you just need to register again for senior year and everything will be the same.” Phew thank god that all worked out.

“Great, thank you very much Sir. I look forward to seeing you in the fall.” I give him a smile and get up to leave the room. He tells me that I need to get paperwork to fill out from Mrs. Turner and that tomorrow will be my last day here.

I pick up the required paperwork and it looks like I am going to need to make a trip home tonight to get everything signed and what not. Now the real trick is going to be coming up for a reason that I won’t be at school the rest of the year and telling my friends. Man this is going to be a challenge.


I decide to not tell Morgan or Kayla today in school and call them later tonight when I get back…”home”. Before I head back to the mansion though I need to go back to my actual home to get my mom and dad to fill this paperwork saying I can leave school.

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