Chapter Sixteen

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It’s about 5:10 and I’m basically all ready to go out with Ashton. I don’t know what he has planned so I dress casually but cute. With the enormity of my closet I have lots to choose from, which in this case is a very good thing.

I have on a maxi dress with thin straps, since I had all day I decided to straighten my hair. I put on one of the hats I bought with the girls and fix my make-up.

I don’t bother waiting in my room, because it’s not like I am hiding. I’m walking down the hall when all of a sudden someone grabs my arm and pulls me into the bathroom.

“Ahh” I yell and then there is a hand over my mouth. When the door closes I turn around. “What the fuck Luke?” I say pushing his chest.

“Hey” he says smiling with pride.

“That was so not cool, you almost gave me a damn heart attack!” I say to him pushing him again.

“I’m sorry I really didn’t mean to scare you” he says laughing at my terrified face.

“Oh, you thought if I randomly got pulled by an arm I didn’t see, I wouldn’t be scared?” I am laughing now too, because I can see him trying to contain his. “It’s not funny” and that’s it. I start laughing, and then we’re both standing there like complete idiots.

“I just wanted to see you before you went out with Ashton.”

“You couldn’t have done it like a normal person?”

“I am in no way normal Aubrey.”

“Alright, I get it. But he’s not going to be able to find me if I stay here with you.” Just as I am turning to open the door, his hand is on my arm again and he is pulling me towards him.

His lips are on mine immediately and I can feel him smiling. I feel his tongue and I open my mouth for him. This is like absolutely nothing I have ever experienced before. Drew and I used to make out all the time, but this, this is something completely different.

“God Aubrey, stop kissing me Ashton’s not going to be able to find you” He says sarcastically while smiling. I laugh and turn around and open the door. “Have fun,” then he hit my butt, “You look nice by the way. I’ll see you later”

I walk out of the bathroom trying not to look like a complete idiot, but the way I’m smiling I feel like I do.

I get downstairs and see Ashton waiting in the living room.

“Ready?” I ask when I get close to him

“Yeah, “ he begins smiling. “You look nice.”

“Thanks, you do too,” and he does he looks really nice, it’s basically his normal everyday clothes, but at the same time it’s not. “I didn’t know what we were doing so” I say looking down at my dress.

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