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It was 11:36 in the night.

I could barely keep my eyes open as I did the last read on the document I was supposed to deliver in the morning, sleep making it harder for me to focus on the screen.

Most people had left hours ago, eager to go home and enjoy some free time. Meanwhile, I had only taken a trip to the coffeemaker for my third dose of caffeine of the afternoon, returning to my desk right after.

Sora had stopped by before leaving, asking me if I wanted to join her and some others for a drink. I politely declined, giving her a brief explanation as to why. She smiled in sympathy and wished me good luck.

Mr. Jeon had left around five in the afternoon, only muttering that he was done for the day and would be back in the morning. Meaning, the document better be waiting for him on his desk when he arrived tomorrow.

Or else.

Yawning, I read the last line in the file and saved it in the flash drive. My body felt tight from sitting for so long, my limbs slightly numb. Flexing my arms up, I tried to shake some of the stupor away.

Getting up, I headed for the print room for the second time that day.

It felt like déjà-vu, going through the same motions a second time for the very same reason. To please a man who didn't seem to be pleased by anything.

Shaking my head in frustration, I prepared the printer and started it. Making sure the device was properly loaded with paper, I sat down on a nearby chair to wait. Leaning my head back, I closed my eyes and tried not to fall asleep.

I must have failed, since I jumped in fright when the printer biped some time later.

Gathering the pile of paper, I headed to the desk in the corner, grabbing the stapler and clipping the sheets together.

Finally, I could go home, take a shower and sleep. Or considering how late it was, take a nap.

Holding the bundle of paper against my chest like a shield, I walked through the empty hallway and into my boss's office. The lights were on, which was weird. I could have sworn they were off when I left my desk.

Maybe I was going insane due to the lack of sleep.

Ignoring it, I placed the damned file at the very center of his pristine desk, so it would be the first thing he saw when he came in the next morning. Turning around, I headed back out, pressing on the switch near the door and shutting the room into darkness.

Turning off my computer, I collected my phone and bag, making sure to leave the room in shadows as well. Calmly, I walked to the elevator, pressing on the button and waiting for it to ascend to my level.

All I needed was to get home and then ...

- Ms. Kim, are you doing it deliberately or your plan to piss me off is completely unconscious? – asked a deep voice from behind me, making me jump and hold my phone against my chest in surprise.

- Mr. Jeon? I ... I thought you left.

- I did. And then I came back to retrieve something, only to have you shut down the lights on me.

He was in his office? But I ... oh. He must have been near the armchairs, that's why I didn't see him. If he was seated in the one facing the far wall, I would only be able to see his dark hair surpassing the edge of the fabric.

If I had paid attention, that is, which I most certainly had not.

- I'm sorry, sir. I didn't realize you were there.

- Why are you still here, anyway? – he asked, motioning for me to get in the chromed box first when the doors opened.

Is he bipolar or something?

- I was finishing the file you wanted, sir.

- File? – he inquired, joining me in the small space.

- The preliminary report on the Lee proposal, Mr. Jeon. – was he kidding me right now?

- Right. Did you finish it?

- Yes, sir. – I answered and almost immediately yawned. Clamping my hand in front of my mouth, I muttered an apology.

I tried to ignore him for a couple of reasons. He was my boss and therefore, completely out of the table for me. And he was a jerk, whether it was on purpose or not was beside the point. Ogling him would bring nothing but trouble.

But that didn't change the fact the idiot was good looking, especially in that custom fit suit, that hugged his body like a second skin. I didn't want to acknowledge it, but there was no denying how handsome he was, or even how his rude demeanor somehow increased his appeal.

He was temptation staring you in the eye.

Suddenly the lights went off, a sharp noise marring the space as silence followed. I looked around in fear, readily knowing what had just happened but refusing to believe it.

- What was that? – I whispered.

- The elevator stopped. – he stated the obvious, reaching for the panel and pressing on the emergency button, but it didn't light up. – It seems like the building is out of power.

Great, just great. I was hungry, tired and in need of a shower, and it didn't seem like I was handling any of those issues any time soon. All because the world seemed to hate me.

Instead of going home, I was here.

Trapped in the elevator with Mr. Jeon Jungkook.


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